My Flaming Savior

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Your Pov:

It's been 2 years since Zoro escaped, I have been through hell and back. I almost got killed from all the beating I endured everyday, and being forced to eat 2 devil fruits.
It was a testing station to see if Doffy's "Smile" fruit worked and if someone could handle having 2 devil fruits.
It's very rare, basically one in a million chance for someone to survive eating 2 devil fruits, but I guess I was a rare case. I was given the Maindo Maindo fruit, and the Soshi Soshi no mi fruit.
I was also tortured for trying to escape a year ago. I had scars from the deep cuts that they inflicted on me and deep bruises all over my body.

As night falls, I was laying on bed, something came over me. I was determined to escape tonight.
For the past year, I haven't smiled once, unless when I thought about Zoro, and that barley made my lips curve.
I sat on the floor thinking how Zoro is doing and was hurt that he didn't come and rescue me, that was 2 years ago. I started growing resentment towards him. I shook the thought of Zoro out of my head and started planning my escape. I had no control over my devil fruits and not knowing how to work them, I was scared how this was going to play out. I started packing my most valuables, putting on my fathers jacket. I slowly crept out the door and made a run for it through the forest.
As I'm running with everything in me, I was confused why no one has been notified that I had escaped. I knew it wasn't going to be this easy, But no one was after me?
Almost halfway through the forest I feel a huge pain in my stomach. I put my hand to my stomach and brought it up to see that my hand covered in my blood.
That's when I hear the evil laugh behind me, sending chills down my spine, It was him, Doflamingo.
He had shot me with a gun. I lost. how didn't I hear it. I fell to the ground, coughing up blood, barley able to breathe.

Doffy: Once again, you tried escaping me. Why couldn't you be more grateful. I'm done with you.

He kicked me several times in the sides making me cough up puddles of blood. He had broken my ribs with the force of his kicks. God It was already hard to breathe before but now I cant even more.

Doffy: I killed your father with the same gun I shot you with. Marines didn't kill him I did. Looks like my job is done here. You will be dead soon by either bleeding out, or the bears will eat you. Goodbye little one.

He walked away laughing evily
Your mind went blank, memories of you and your father pop in your head
Y/n: Daddy give me another piggy back ride, I'm sleepyy

Corazon: Ofc my sweet angel, you know I would do anything for you
Y/n: Daddy please can get this huge lollipop, It looks so yummy

Corazon: Your mother is going to kill me when she finds out all the sweets I give you, but I would give you the world my little one
Y/n: Daddy do you promise you'll come back home safe?

Corazon: I promise, after this adventure i'll be home for good

*End of flashback*
Your eyes began to flood with tears.
So that's the flashback I see before I die. I wish I could of saved you dad, but instead I was left with the man who killed you, but hey, at least I'll be with you soon.

I'm sorry Zoro, I broke our promises, I will always love you and will be watching up from above. What am I evening saying, they cant hear me.

My eyes are starting to get heavy. I finally blacked out with a smile on my face.
Little did I know, A flaming boy was watching everything go down, doing everything to save me. He was your flaming savior.
Its been 3 days since i've been shot, and left to die.

I began waking up in a unfamiliar place, is this heaven, I thought to Myself, I am in a bed, bandaged up? I decided to sit up. It looked like I was on a.. SHIP?!?! My head snapped when I heard a deep voice

???: Ah you are finally awake!

I look over and see a tall good looking male with black hair and freckles, shirtless?
I quickly covered my face as my cheeks began turning bright red.

Y/n: w..who are you? where am i?

???: I went on this island to gather material for my crew and heard commotion, so I went to check it out. I basically saw everything unfold that night, watching you lay bleeding out, I knew I had to save you.. OH also you've been out for 3 days. he grinned

Y/n: 3 DAYS?!?!

???: Yep, you've definitely been through a lot, tell me
what happened

Y/n: Tell me who you are first

Ace: My names Portgas D. Ace, Member of the white beard pirates, how rude of me not asking, what is your name, pretty lady?

Y/n: My name is Y/n

Ace: Full name sweetheart

Y/n: Don't tell a soul but my full name is Y/n D. Rosinante

Ace: Hmmm very nice to meet you Y/n, I think we will become very close, Now tell me, how did this all happen?

I began tell Ace how it all started and the last you remembered, which made him understand how this mess ended up happening

Ace's Pov:
I went to this island to gather materials for the old man and the crew. It was dark out, we could only go to islands in the middle of the night since we were so feared. Luckily some peoples stands were open, the ones who admired us.
As I was walking back to the ship, I heard a gun shot in the woods. I started going over towards the sound to see one of the 7 warlords Doflamingo. I noticed a girl on the ground bleeding badly, I knew this man was a psycho, who knew he was this bad.
I see him leave her there to bleed out, no remorse what so ever.
Anger filled my body as I destroyed the place where the footsteps of the two people lead back too, it was a cold rainy night, I used my flame flame fruit to destroy Doflamingo's hideout and walked back to the girl, picked her up and walked her back to the ship, i bandaged the girl up, she was so frail from not eating and covered in deep slashes and bruises.
I thought to myself, how did this poor girl survive this.

Your Pov
After you explain your whole back story, you could see the sadness in his eyes

Y/n: Thank you for saving me Ace

Ace: I couldn't leave a beauty like you dying, plus i can tell you have potential from all you've been through, Oh by the way, that place you lived at, i burned it down

Tears flooded in your eyes as you heard those words, the words that gave you hope, all the bad memories that happened there finally destoryed.

Y/n: Ace.. *I hugged him tightly*

Ace: Of course, When you're recovered you'll meet the rest of the crew

You really are my flaming savior.

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