White Beard Pirates

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Your Pov
It's been 2 years since ive been with the white beard pirates. They have trained me non stop and helped me master my devil fruit powers. They basically made me apart of their family. White beard acted like a father to me, Ace basically treating me like his sister, and Marco caring for me like no one else. I could tell how much love and care he felt for me. I feel so loved.

I opened up to the them and ranted about everything that has happened to me. They were furious, so of course, we took a little trip to Dressrosa. We defeated Doflamingo, Mainly Ace, Marco and I. It felt so nice finally getting my revenge on the scumbag. They wanted me to get a big bounty on my head, so we decided to destroy a small marine base for fun, well only me. Basically a test to see how much improvement I had over my Devil fruits. That made my bounty raise up to 700m. I didn't know it was a Vice Admirals base, oops.
As time went on Ace went to find black beard, the man who betrayed us. I didn't know much about him, since he left before I even arrived. All I knew was that he was tough, and always played unfair.
I begged Ace to let me go along with him. I've lost to many people, and I didn't want to lose him.
He insisted that he was going to be okay. Little did I know, that wasn't going to be the case.

Marco helped me train more, helping me master more elements,(since I've already mastered water and earth), and he wanted to see how much more I could do with the mind fruit. White beard couldn't do much since he had gotten very ill, so Marco and I took somewhat control.  Throughout the training, I've learned how to mind control people, Get into peoples minds, where I can make them have illusions, and communicate to people telepathy. I felt unstoppable. The only thing I struggled with was making my Haki stronger, I could use my mind powers on low bounty pirates with weaker Haki then me , but i couldn't with the ones who's Haki was stronger then mine. Marco apparently knew a good friend that could help me strengthen my Haki. I was excited!

As I was looking through a bounty's after a long day of training, I immediately noticed a familiar face. I saw Zoro had his own bounty and a crew and seemed happy. Deep down I still resented him for not coming back and saving me, but at the same time, I felt happiness knowing he is doing great, with a bounty of 400m. I began Touching the promise ring around my neck (since it's to small to go on my finger, I put it on a necklace) I thought to myself
I promised you i would watch you become the greatest swords man dummy. I wonder if you remember me
A tear rolled down my eye, as Marco approached you and saw what you were looking at,

Marco: Still head over heels for the kid?

I jumped in shock and covered my face so he couldn't see my bright red face and puffy eyes

Y/n: o..of course not Uncle Marco

Marco: Y/n i'm not dumb, you are crying, it's okay

He came over and sat next to me

Y/n: I don't understand why I still am so deeply in love with him, when I know he has moved on and forgot about me

Marco: What makes you think that sweet girl?

Y/n: Like I said before, he promised he would come back for me, but never did.. I don't understand how someone can break a promise that big, he promised we would be together forever Marco!

Marco gave me a big hug and i began sobbing into his chest

Marco: It's okay sweetheart. You never know, maybe he did and it was to late. Even if he didn't, you have us now. We are your family now and will never leave you behind. Plus you will always have me.

Y/n: I'm so happy I have a family again. I love you all so much.. I don't know what I would do without you guys, especially you and Ace. I owe Ace my life!! He's my savior.

Marco just laughed

Marco: We don't know what we would do without you, you've changed us for the better! Especially me, who knew i needed you in my life.

I smiled from ear to ear after hearing that

All of a Sudden someone on the crew started screaming "LOOK AT THE PAPER, ACE.... ACE IS GETTING EXECUTED IN 3 DAYS"
My whole world stopped in that exact moment, all sounds around me muffled

Y/n: A..Ace is being ex..executed, b..but why? I said to myself

Random crewmate: Black beard turned him in, to become one of the 7 warlords!

All of a sudden anger filled your body. The ocean waves started going crazy and the sky started becoming very dark. Suddenly Marco hugged me tightly and told me to calm down.
Marco always knew how to calm me. Without him things would of been a shit show.
After I took a couple deep breathes, I calmed down and everything went back to normal.

I ran to White beard and begged we go and break him out of impel down.

Y/n: Whitebeard, we have to go save Ace!

WB: Calm down my child I have a plan. We will invade Marine Ford and save him, since that's where he will be executed. I will call backup immediately. This won't be easy, and i will need you on your A game, Beauty killer. This is your chance to fully awaken your devil fruit power and raise hell my little one.
I just smiled and agreed, walking silently into my room. As soon as I closed the door, I burst out in tears. Why... Why does this happen. I get so close to someone and something bad happens, or something goes wrong. I can't lose Ace, Shit, I cant lose any of my family. I really can't. I will risk my life for him and everyone, even if it causes death upon me. Ace saved me, now it's my turn to save him.

Time skip

As we start sailing to marine ford everyone starts getting prepared. Marco noticed me biting my nails (you gained this habit over the years and he hates when you do it)
Marco: Now y/n what did I tell you


Marco: Show me your fingers

I showed him my fingers. My long nails now short and the skin ripped off of the side of my fingers
Marco sighed

Marco: No dessert for you tonight
Sweets were my weakness, I blame my dad for my obsession with candy

Y/n: NOO, I'm sorry Uncle Marco, I won't do it again as I was smiling ear to ear

All of a sudden you hear White beard calls everyone over to him.

WB: Aces execution will be tomorrow at 3pm, but they will do an earlier since they know we will be showing. Be prepared for battle tomorrow, and no matter what happens, save Ace.
Everyone agreed and started preparing for a long and grueling battle.

What will happen when y/n sees a familiar face, that she misses so much, yet resents?
How will the battle at marine ford go?
Will y/n finally unleash her full potential?

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