|Trust is earned, not given|

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Third Person's POV


There was that one time when Porsche had enough and was about to land a fist in Kim's Jaw when-

"P'Porsche wait!, wait!, let me explain" Kim, who stuck his hand to stop the fist who was inches away to break his jaw, stopped the older man.

"What is there to explain?? what did you do to my brother??!" Porsche slapped Kim's hand away and resorted instead to pulling the hem of the musician's shirt in anger.


"Calm down, Porsche! Do you think your brother will like it if you kill the love of his life?" Tankhun spoke unknowingly adding more fuel to the fire. Pete mentally facepalmed at his former master.

Porsche, who was fuming with anger screamed at Tankhun who shocked the life out of the poor man.


"Porsche! Calm down please" Pete tried to negotiate with Porsche but to no avail.

Pol & Arm, on the other hand, had called Kinn to alert him on what's happening in the living room.

"P'- Please, let me explai-" Kim tried to persuade Porsche once more to listen,


"What did I just say?!?!"

"Porsche! Porsche why-" Kinn who was panting arrived at the room only to find that his little brother has already been punched by Porsche and was already put to the ground.

"Hey, hey stop! what's happening here?" Kinn stopped Porsche from further hurting his brother by enveloping his arms at his lover.

Arm & Pol rushed to the young master who was on the ground feeling the bruise on the corner of his mouth form.

"Why are you stopping me, Kinn? that asshole deserved that. Even if he is your brother, I won't tolerate anyone who hurts Porchay" Porsche continued to budge again Kinn.

'Well I did deserved it' Kim thought to himself.

Because he knows, he knew it was a wrong way to end their relationship like that. It was clear to him what would happen if Porchay knew about his foolishness with him. He knew it would hurt Chay. He knew that they will be separated eventually. He knew that all of it would happen.

But he didn't know that it would hurt him too. It wasn't clear to him why he felt worse when he broke Chay's heart, It was unknown to him how he got attached that easily to someone. He didn't know why it almost killed him to see Porchay ruin his own life, but eventually, he got the answer.

It was the same no matter how many times he ask himself'He' was meant to be the sunshine on his life. His heart broke the same day he broke the person whom he loved and cared the most....Porchay.

He realized for quite a while now that he would do everything to protect Chay, even if it meant breaking his own heart.

But recently, he is having a hard time controlling his feelings. Especially when he sees how Macau, his cousin, and Chay is starting to get closer together. Whenever he would see them both being happy together, Kim would feel the guilt and would just want to take Chay away from Macau.

Sadly, he can't.

Because Porchay is not his anymore, he can do everything he wants in the world. Kim knows that. that's why it hurts for him.

"What do you want to say?? hmp." Porsche who was sulking blurted out thinking that Kinn is being on Kim's side. Kinn did explain that maybe his brother really had something to say and maybe he should listen. Porsche, of course, annoyingly & unwillingly obliged Kinn while still being angry at Kim.

Kim stood up and took a deep breathe before telling Porsche his reasons, that It wasn't his full intention to hurt Chay, but in his opinion it was the best thing to do, and that he didn't want Chay to be involved further in this business.

Everyone listened eagerly to Kim's explanation, Even Tankhun had a serious expression in his face. Kim thought maybe deep down Khun really wanted to know about them. Khun had never probe between Kim & Chay, believing only what he heard and not asking about anything else.

"I have a question" Tankhun raised his hand which led everyone's attention to him.

"What?" Kim asked

"Do you love Porsche's Brother?" Khun dropped a bombshell question which earned Kim all the people's glances in him inside the room.

Even Porsche, who was looking at him like he would kill him if he just said one wrong word.

"We heard you all talk about not having the intention to hurt Porchay and keeping him safe, but you didn't tell us the reason why" Tankhun added.

Kim gulped.

He wasn't prepared to confess about his feelings right now, especially with Porsche and all those people there.


TIMESKIP (After Kim confessed) {A/N: Yes, I didn't add his confession bcs it wasn't actually planned; plus I feel it would be cringe.} 

After Kim's heartfelt confession, Everyone in the room was stunned. Even Kinn couldn't reciprocate how Kimhan, his younger brother, the coldest of all Theerapanyakul, could do that to protect someone.

Tankhun, who had his mouth hanged ajar, was astonished how Kimhan was able to kill, and not just kill one people, but almost ready to kill a hundred of them just to save Porsche's younger brother.

Porsche, on the other hand, was trying his best not to show how impressed he was with the amount of confession Kim made today.

'Porchay you one lucky mf' Porsche thought to himself.

"Hm, What do you say Porsche? Young theerapanyakul already confessed his love for your brother here"  Tankhun teasingly smiled after saying those to Porsche. This earned  a small chuckle from Pete, Pol & Arm in the room.

Kim wanted to smack his brother after hearing his remarks. 'that' nickname is dead a long time ago.

"hmm" Porsche hummed.

It seemed like everyone in the room was waiting for his response, even Kim who was half afraid that he said something wrong after confessing.

"What does that mean?" Tankhun retorted

"Maybe you do love my brother. but it doesn't mean that I would forgive you for breaking his heart just like that, In order for me to let you pursue him again, you have to earn my trust."

Kim knew it would be Porsche's decision. He also knew that trust is earned, not given. 

"I will, I will do everything to make it right this time."

Kim vowed sincerely.

He is ready to pursue Porchay again. only this time, after years, he is ready to open his heart.

[Flashback ends]

-Trust is earned, not given-

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