Ch. 8

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Izuku fitted himself in the school uniform. He was just putting on his red tie when Nezu walked in.

"You look very nice." Izuku turned and smiled at his adoptive father.

"Thanks Nezu-oto-chan!" Izuku grabbed his bag and snapped his fingers.

Cerberus came over and leaned into Izuku's hand, wanting pets.

Izuku scratched behind his ear. "You ready?"

Cerberus barks. He shrunk to the size of a hamster, and jumped into Izuku's bag.

Izuku carefully shouldered his backpack. "I better get to class."

Nezu nodded. "You'll do good. I love you."

Izuku smiled. He bent down and let Nezu give him a light kiss. "I love you too Nezu-oto-chan."

Izuku ran out of the room to get to class. He wanted to get there before most people.

When he got there, he found that he was the only one there. On the board there was a sitting chart, but he couldn't see Aizawa.

Izuku shrugged. 'He's probably in the teacher's lounge getting coffee.'

He sat down in his seat, which was right next to the window. As he read through the names on the board, he saw that Hitoshi Shinso had gotten into the class.

He pulled out a sketch book and started to draw. He was working on a scene filled with flowers.

As he worked, he heard people walking in, and talking. He wasn't paying much attention until he felt a tap on his shoulder.

Looking up, he saw Bakugo. He wasn't wearing his uniform right. His shirt was unbuttoned, his tie was loosely around his neck and his jacket was tied around his waist.

Izuku smiled. "Hey Kacchan. Why aren't you wearing you uniform right?"

He stood up to fix it, but Bakugo stopped him. "Oh relax. Why do you care so much?"

Izuku pouted. "I don't want you to get in trouble."

Bakugo smirked, and squeezed his hand. "Relax. Also." He lowered his voice. "Let's lay low on our relationship. Okay?"

Izuku nodded. "No problem." Izuku sat back down and got back to work on his art.

After ten minutes, Izuku felt Aizawa's presence. He looked up just as he walked in. No one else seemed to notice that he was there.

Izuku smiled, and put his drawing in his bag. He noticed that Hitoshi Shinso was sitting behind him.

Aizawa cleared his throat after five minutes. All the students looked up and focused on their teacher.

Aizawa gave them a cold glare. "Only three of you noticed that I was here before I made myself know. I was here for five minutes. If you want to be heros, you're going to need to get better."

He pulled out a box with the school's gym uniforms. "Now, change into these uniforms and met me at the training grounds."

The students grabbed the uniform that would fit them and went to the changing rooms.

Izuku, waiting for the crowd to break up. He grabbed his own uniform and shadow traveled to the room. He got there before anyone.

He shadow traveled to the training grounds before any of the other students got there. He even got to the training grounds before Aizawa.

Aizawa got there less then a minute later. He sighed when he saw him. "Shadow travel?"

Izuku smiled. "Yep!"

He sighed. "Whatever."

About five minutes later, the rest of the students came onto the training ground. Many of the seemed confused to see Izuku there, as they didn't see him in the changing rooms.

They stood in a small crowd and waiting for instructions.

Aizawa pulled a baseball out. "Katsuki Bakugo. You got the highest score in the entrance exam, correct?"

The blonde nodded.

Aizawa tossed him the ball, with he caught. "What was your best throwing teat score in middle school?"

"67 meters." Bakugo said.

"Not using your quirk?" Bakugo nodded.

Aizawa pointed to a circle drawn in chalk. "Throw the ball using your quirk this time."

Bakugo stepped into the circle and throw the ball with a huge explosion. "DIE!"

Meny of the students flinched at the war cry. A boy with yellow hair with a black strip shivered. "Okay."

Aizawa held up a device. It read 682. "Decent."

Bakugo scoffed, but he stepped back into the crowd.

Aizawa gestured to the other tests around. "We'll be doing a quirk assessment test."

A girl with short brown hair raised her hand. "Sir, what about the entrance ceremony? Won't we miss it?"

Aizawa didn't seem bothered. "My class, my rules."

A girl with pink skin bounced on her heels. "This is going to be fun!"

Izuku cringed. 'That is the wrong thing to say.'

Aizawa raised an eyebrow. "Fun huh? Well then, how about this. The person in last place will be expelled."

Many of the students were shocked. The boy with yellow hair shouted out, "What!? That's not fair!"

Izuku used shadows to cover his mouth. He turned to him and walked over. He held his chin up while using the shadows go hold him still. "Fair? This is Japan's best hero school. Being a hero isn't fair. If you think this is going to be easy, then you might as well leave."

Aizawa nodded, cackling to himself. "He's right. Now get to work. And let him go."

Izuku released that shadows and they started to do the tests.

He did fairly good. He got fourth place in the grip strength test. Bakugo got third, the boy with white and red hair got second and a boy with a mask and multiple arms got first.

In the side step test, he got third, with only the same white and red haired boy and Bakugo ahead of him.

When it came to the hundred meter dash, he got first place, as he could basically teleport.

The boy who stood up at the entrance exam got second place with only 0.73 seconds. Bakugo got third place with 1.4 seconds.

When it was his turn to do the ball throw test, he took the ball and teleported the ball as far as he could.

By accident, he over did it. He accidentally teleported the ball several hundred kilometers more then he ment to, as he did it more on coordinates.

Izuku stumbled and clutched his wrist as his hand started turning to shadows.

"Izuku!" Bakugo raced over as Izuku's knees buckled. "$h¡t! Weren't you careful!"

Aizawa walked over. He had to pretend that he didn't care and didn't know what happened. Bakugo didn't know that Izuku knew Aizawa. "What happened?"

Bakugo glared at him. "He miscalculated the coordinates when he teleported it with his quirk." He looked back at Izuku's hand, as the his hand seemed to disappear, even through it was still there. "Don't move Izuku."

Aizawa waved his head through Izuku's shadow hand, causing him to hiss in pain. Aizawa didn't know that doing that would cause him pain.

Bakugo slapped his hand away. He looked back at Izuku. "Let's get you to Recovery Girl." He slung Izuku's arm over his shoulder. "Easy. I'll support you."

Aizawa nodded. "I'll send you the test results. Though I doubt that you got last place."

Bakugo nodded. He get Izuku to his feet, though he was shaky. "Easy. Come on. Left. Right. Left. Right." He said this as they walked off.

Aizawa sighed. "Come on. Back to the tests."

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