Ch. 32

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After all the training Izuku and his class had done, he was exhausted. Izuku ended up falling asleep while cuddling with Bakugo and Todoroki.

At about midnight, Izuku work up. He didn't know why he woke up, but he was thirsty. Izuku wiggled out of the arms of his boyfriends.

He got up and stepped outside to drink some water and look at the stars. He knew that Aizawa was giving more classes to Kaminari, Kirishima, Mina, Sero, and Sato.

Izuku was wearing a gray sleep shirt and black shorts. He had slipped on white socks and red shoes.

Suddenly, he smelled smoke. Izuku looked around and say blue flame rising from the end of the forest. It took him all of two seconds to realize that it was the Cremation quirk Dabi had.

He dropped the water bottle he was holding and ran to the tutoring building.

He shadow traveled as close as he could before he through open the door.

Aizawa looked at him, confused. "Midoriya? What are you doing here?"

Before he could speak, there blue flame leaped up the side of the building.

Izuku pointed at the fire. "The League of Villians are here. That's the quirk of Dabi! It's called Cremation."

Aizawa ran to the door. He looked at Vlad King, who was also in the room. "Keep the students here!"

Aizawa raced out, with Izuku following him.

Aizawa looked at him as they ran. "Midoriya, I need you to get the Wild, Wild Pussycats. Tell them what's going on!"

Izuku nodded and dove into the shadows. He appeared in the Wild cats home, and accidently jumpscared Mandalay.

She looked at him, seeing the fear in his eyes. "Midoriya-kun? What's going on?"

Izuku was breathing hard. "Villians are attacking!"

Mandalay's eyes widened before he grabbed her phone and called the others.

Mandalay set her phone down. "Go tell your classmates!"

Izuku nodded. He went back onto the shadows and reappeared back into the sleeping quarters. He turned the lights on and yelled, "GET UP!"

The students bolted up.

Bakugo growled at Izuku. "You better have a good reason for waking us up."

"Oh I've got a good one." Izuku pointed outside over his shoulder. "The League of Villians are here!"

The rest of the student woke up in a snap. Izuku ran to the girls side of the quarters and did the same thing.

In ten minutes, all the students were awake and ready to protect eachother.

Izuku lead the outside, and saw Mandalay in a panic.

He ran up to her. "Mandalay-san? Are you okay?"

She looked at him in a panic. "Kota-kun went out and I can't find him!"

Izuku bit his lip. Bakugo and Todoroki, who had run up and were on either side. He looked at them and they nodded.

He turned back to the Pro Hero. "If you have something with his scent on it, I think I can find him."

Mandalay pulled out Kota's hat and handed it to Izuku.

Izuku put his finger to his mouth and gave a loud whistle.

With a equally loud bark, Cerberus came bounding out of the woods. He was the same size as he was when Izuku ride him in the Sport's Festival.

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