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What? You sat there, red creeping up your cheeks as you turned to him, as he looked away, pink dusted over his pale cheeks. "Xiao?" you questioned, not able to think straight.

"Uh I... I'm sorry y/n but I love you. A lot and I just can't stop thinking about you and if you don't feel the same way I can shut up and leave you alone and-"

"Xiao." Your voice sounded more soothing this time as you turned his face to you. "Hey I... I love you too." You watched him as tears fell from his eyes and as you moved to wipe them off, he kissed you, right on the lips this time.

He was gentle as you put your arms around his neck and he held you close. It wasn't very apparent to you before because Xiao was pretty monotone around everyone, even his friends, so when he had confessed, you were surprised, more than surprised but you couldn't think up a word that meant more than surprised because you were lost, your mind was a mess, and the only thing you could focus on was the feeling of his lips on yours and your arms around his neck and that was all that mattered.

You let go, breathing slowly while he pulled you closer and hugged you. "R-really? Y/n? You love me?.." He was scared, to put it simply. Scared that these past eight months had been a long, long dream and that when he would wake up he would go back to his horrible life of fame. Before he had met you, he had been considering a therapist, because every night he would dream of his sister dying in front of him, while he was unable to to anything. The problem is, that he couldn't because word would get out that he had a therapist and all these rumors would start up and he would be at square one.

You let go of him and looked at his face, trying to imprint it in your memory. His unruly teal hair looked like a pretty mess, his golden eyes still hadn't lost their shine and the little purple diamond tattoo still stayed where it was, on his skin. Now you were crying. "Of course I love you Xiao I've loved you since forever... do you remember this?" You took out a chain with a tiny bottle of glittering dust in it. "It broke but I still kept it.." Realization dawned on him quick... so that was why he felt like he knew you from the start.

"Don't worry, I still have mine in my bedside table drawer."


"Xi Xi!" you yelled as you ran to you and Xiao's meeting spot in the woods. It was your birthday and he said he had something special to show you, so of course you had came. "Boo!" someone yelled as they tackled you to the ground and you laughed as they tickled you. 

You looked up and saw Xiao, his hair tied up and dirt on his face from tackling you. "You came!" he said, getting up and helping you up to. "Why wouldn't I?" you asked as he led you to a big oak tree and sat down under it.

 You joined him and he took a little box out from his jacket. "What's that?"  you asked as he opened it and took out two chains, each with a tiny bottle of glittering dust as a charm. "Supposably stardust, I got it from my dad and he said to give the other one to somebody special to me." he replied as he motioned for you to turn around. He put the clasp on around your neck and said "Do you like it? It glows at night so if you ever get lost you have light.."

 (no it doesn't glow at night u guys)

 "Thank you I love it!" you exclaimed as you played with it in your hands. 

"Friends forever?"

"Of course"

Things have changed, and you're happier than ever

At least for now...

SEASON 1 IS DONE (Nov. 9 2022)! damn that hurt my hands, i hope you enjoyed and plz plz join the discord server! once again the link and my friend tag:

https://discord.gg/zZewBEyQ is the server link and if u can't access it here's my friend tag : muffinz#4972

tysm for the support and i hope to see you in season 2,

all the best,

moonie <3

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