Backstories suck

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guys i just realized xiaos bday is the day after mine (april 17) and thats on one of my bsf's bday!

yes im a day older than her lol

but xiao is an aries too

yay <3

gonna go read xiao fluff after this


Blood, gore, murder, traumatic childhood memories, nightmares

"Uh, so I, um" Xiao started, trying extremely hard not to burst into tears right then and there. It was currently 3:18 am, and you were seated on the couch ready to listen to Xiao's drunken confession of his past. Even if you were way past drunk at this point, even then you could tell when to shut up and listen. So you being you, just stayed silent. "It's okay if you don't want to tell me now, we can talk about it later," you said, holding his hand. 

"N-no, it's fine I'll tell you now," he replied, forcing the words out of his mouth. He knew he would never bring it up again unless he was drunk and you asked, and he had kept this to himself for too long and he had to tell someone. It's not like he had parents to reach to for comfort anyways. "I watched my family die in front of me while I hid in a cabinet and did nothing to save them." It was the truth really. He just couldn't get himself to explain the actual situation. He still had nightmares about it, the blood, and the big grin that spread across the person's face as they stabbed his sister to death. 16. That's how many times she was stabbed.

 He had four siblings. Two sisters and two brothers, and he was the youngest. That night they had secretly stayed up building a pillow fort, giggling and having so much fun. Screams. High pitched, terror filled, screams. They were all shook, until one of his sisters got up to go see what happened, and they all followed behind, his other sister clutching his hand. He was five at the time, and the patchwork bunny named Atlus that he dragged practically everywhere would be his only comfort tonight.  As the others went to check what happened in their parents room, his sister told him to stay inside the cabinet that gave him a full view of the living room, just in case he needed to run. He did as he was told, and stayed inside the cabinet, the door barely open. Screams and crying again. He froze, his five year old mind unable to comprehend what he had heard. Footsteps, loud but hurried. His sister fell to the carpet, crying, the sobs filling the empty house. He watched as she was stabbed, silent tears dropping from his eyes. He didn't know what to do. 

He hated himself since that day. All he could do after everyone was dead was hug their corpse and say goodbye, but he didn't touch his parents corpses, he couldn't bring himself too. After that, he had moved in with his cousin Ganyu's family, and the school he went to was where he met his friends. Aether, Venti, Kazuha... they were his first friends, his true ones. The only ones who could bring him joy, and it felt like a family, just the four of them facing the world together. And to this day they were still by his side, supporting him.

And then you came. You brought him a different type of joy, but he loved it. Just like he loved you.

sorry sad chapter but next will be happy :)

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