Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Andrew and I finally made it inside where, luckily, no one judged you for letting your smile disappear. The paparazzi weren't allowed inside, but you still had to be careful what you said. One wrong word and some desperate C-Lister will have you sold out to E! News faster than Taylor Swift gets a new boyfriend.

Apparently I wasn't meant to keep a relaxed face for long because none other than Mr. Cassano himself walked over to us.

"My little actors! How are you two?"

He nearly skipped over to us and enveloped us in a group hug. My smile was back on even though I wanted nothing more than to massage my cheeks.

"I'm looking forward to working with you, Mr. Stamm," he nodded at Andrew then turned his attention to me. "And as for you Ms. Pinnock," he winked, "I hope to see you soon."

With that he, he sauntered off to hug and flirt with other celebrities.

"He sure is...perky," I laughed, shaking my head slightly.

"Yeah. I'm still not quite use to it," Andrew said with wide eyes.

I laughed again and patted his arm, "I'm it will get better."

"I don't know about that," I followed his stare to a platinum blonde and instantly regretted it.

Selene Dorwick's famous fake smile made its way onto her face when she caught my stare. She said something to the girl standing next her, then started walking over to Andrew and I. I was surprised to see the Platinum actually fit her look. Her normal hair color was a dark red with hints of purple, but I guess she decided to go for a different look.

"Hello Drew," she cooed, running one of her nails down his chest.

When he pulled her hand off of him she just laughed and continued on to me. That was the one thing about her that I was actually jealous of, her strong confidence. She never became embarrassed when she was rejected and she was able to laugh off any situation. Selene truly was radiant. All the more reason to hate her.

"Little Rory," she tapped my nose to get across her point. "Isn't it past your bed time?"

"Obviously not if Mr. Cassano just came up and talked to me. About his next blockbuster none the less," I shot back.

I was never very good at comebacks so hopefully that would hold her over until I could think of something good.

"Oh yeah," she smiled, never missing a beat. "I heard you were the other actress auditioning against me, but I didn't believe it. I mean," she stepped closer to me, "why would you audition for the main role of Felic's movie," one more step closer, "when you knew the role was mine?"

Selene was standing directly in front of me with a smile on her face, but fire in her eyes.

"I guess you could say I like a challenge."

"Stay out of my way," she snarled, bumping my shoulder as she walked past me.

I fought back my childish desire to stick out my tongue at her and rolled my eyes instead.

"Well that was fun," Andrew commented as the corners of his mouth slowly turned up into a smile.

"Shut up," I grumbled, ignoring Andrew's laughter.

"Come on. Lets go take our seats before someone else tries to show you up," he joked as he threw his arm over my shoulders.


I woke up the next morning to my alarming declaring it was 6 am.

"Ugh," I groaned, slapping the snooze button and laying back down.

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