~🌊Some Time on the Warm Waters🌊~

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(Y/n) left SEKAI with a sigh as she lifted her head and observed how Kohane and An were still asleep. The girl's feet lightly padded the wooden floor while exiting the room and entering Toya's. She opened the beach door and saw all the men sleeping. (Y/n) swiftly crouched beside the beds and stood up. Her (h/c) hair grazed Toya's cheek as she rubbed his arm lightly on the blanket.

The boy groaned and rubbed his eyes. He opened his gray eyes and was agitated by her sudden appearance. (Y/n) quickly responded by restraining him and plopping herself near his body.

(Y-y/n)?! What are you-"

She covered his mouth with her two hands.

"Planning anything today?"

"U-um," he stuttered, "Well, we're heading to the beach, so..."


"C-could you get off me?"

"Why?" she blushed.

"It's just-" he paused, "What happens if someone sees you?"

"Eh, I don't see a problem," she shrugged, "What time is it?"

"Just seven, something wrong?"

"Can I...stay...with you?"


Toya turned away and began to stutter. He rolled his head and met her eyes again.

"Fine. Just don't touch me."

"Mm- okay..."

The girl went under the feet of the cover first and attempted to give her friend a loose hug anyway. She scooched closer and successfully wrapped her arms around him. Her darkened (e/c) eyes blinked several times before the approval of slumber came to her. She shut down after some minutes passed.

Her partner, however, was still secretly awake as he rotated his body slowly, careful not to disturb (Y/n). He smiled. He never thought he would see her again, but here Toya was together with his friend. Toya gave a small kiss to her forehead before cuddling in the warmth she provided.


Two hours passed by, and the lovebirds were still dreaming. It only took a loud creak from the door to startle them.

"Did I ruin the moment?" An smirked as they stretched out of bed.

"I don't know," (Y/n) mindlessly said, "We were asleep after all. I don't need breakfast as I ate at Crase cafe."

"When?! I thought you were asleep the whole time!"

"Actually," Toya began to admit, "She came to my room a few hours ago and decided to stay with me, so..."

"...Yeah, um, I'll be in the living room," the ombre-haired girl sighed, "Also, MEIKO-san came out trying to find you, but we had to tell her you were still sleeping...somewhere else."

"...Got it."

The girl left the room with no regrets while Toya and (Y/n) glanced at each other.

"Since when did you eat breakfast?"

"Before I slept with you."

"At seven?! (Y/n), you should still eat with us."

Toya grabbed her arm as they casually went out, with everyone staring at them.

"(L/n)-chan, how did you sleep?" Kohane tilted her head.

"Fine, I guess."

"You two didn't do anything weird, right?" Akito smirked at them with a glance.

Warm Reunion // Toya Aoyagi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now