Chapter 8- Accepting the Invite

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"Where are they? They've been gone for so long," Akito glanced around.

"Yeah," An sighed, "Wait, there they are!"

The squad looked at what An was seeing. Everyone sighed in relief. Toya ran forward and hugged her.

"T-Toya, I was gone for only a couple of minutes," (Y/n) attempted to reassure him.

The multi-blue boy squeezed her even tighter, making the girl squeak.

"You two like each other, I can tell," Akito smirked.

"Shut up, orange boy," (Y/n) muttered.

Toya let go of her, and she could finally breathe normally again.

"Oh, who are you?"

(Y/n) turned around to see Hatsune Miku and MEIKO at the cafe.

"Hatsune Miku is that you?" she joked.

"Mhm, who are you, though?" Miku asked again.

"(L/n) (Y/n), nicknames are fine," she answered, "And you must be MEIKO?"

"Hehe, yup!"

"Good to know. May I order a drink?"

"Sure, let me know what you'd like."

MEIKO and (Y/n) continued the conversation while the other three VIRTUAL SINGERS and Vivid BAD SQUAD watched them.

"Those two are acting like they're best friends," Miku sighed.

"That's true, but we missed another opportunity!" An freaked out.

"An-chan, you should calm down..." Kohane sweatdropped.

An took her time to cool down from panicking, with Kohane reassuring her that she'll have shot another time.

"Can we just practice now?" Akito interrupted.

"Oh, alright; that was what we were going to do anyways."

"I know, but what song?" Kohane wondered.

"Why don't we ask her?" Toya recommended.

"Oh my god, Toya, you're a simp."

"I legit do not own any items of her, Akito."


The boys jumped when they saw (Y/n) next to them.

"Since when did you-"

"Could you sing Beat Eater?"

The entire squad stood in silence.

"At least she didn't say RAD DOGS," An glared at Toya.

While Vivid BAD SQUAD and Len were performing, (Y/n)'s (e/c) eyes sparkled. She had watched them live but listening by herself was a special treat.

'I wish I could sing like that,' she thought.

When they had finished, a little clap came from her.

"So you must have liked it, huh?"

"Yeah, it's just- I- I want to be just like you guys."

"Like us?" Kohane tilted her head.

"Mhm, you see I-"

"(Y/n), why don't you sing for us for this one time?" Toya cut her off before she could ramble.

"Y-you sure? I really-"

"Come on (Y/n), you know I listened to your singing. It was beautiful."


"(Y/n), please?" An begged her.

The (h/c) girl sighed and grabbed a mic. She scrolled through her phone and found a song she could manage; she pressed play, and the instrumental began.

"Toya, why are you forcing her to sing?" Akito whispered in his ear.

"You'll like it; she is only unsure about herself, that's all."

(Y/n) took a deep breath and her voice came out. They all were taken away by her voice. It still had the gentle and powerful tone Toya had heard earlier.

"Damn, has this girl taken lessons? She sounds like a natural!"

"Nope, she hasn't."

Her singing continued at a steady pace; everyone had their eyes on her. (Y/n) finished the song and everyone clapped at her performance. She was, however, panting hard.

"(L/n)-chan, are you alright?" Kohane ran to her side.

"I-I think."

"Here, take this glass of water."

While (Y/n) was chugging the water down, they all complimented her on her singing.

"Oh, um, (Y/n), correct?" An wondered.


"I was just wondering if we could introduce ourselves."

"That's fine."

"Alrighty then, my is An Shiraishi! I'm from Kamiyama and work with my dad. This one over here is-"

"Akito Shinonome. Also from Kamiyama and like pancakes."

"Nice to finally meet you two!"

The five casually hung out until they all had to leave. Before (Y/n) was about to leave, Akito grabbed her.

"Is there something wrong, Akito?"

"No, I'm fine. I just wanted to ask you a question."

"And what is it?"

"Could you join us?"

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I mean it. You were able to nail all the notes in that song, and we could help you become better."

That bought a smile to (Y/n)'s face.

"If it's to get better, I will gladly accept."

"No worries (Y/n), we'll be assisting you, okay?"

"Hehe, then I'm in."

"Alright then. Welcome (Y/n) to Vivid BAD SQUAD."

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