51. There is Your Peace

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"I want you to set sail, set a match for Daeron and one of his daughters for their allegiance." Alicent began.

"Your grace," Otto said coming up to them. "Lady Aisha... I have news." Aisha stared up at him. "Your father is alive." Aisha's eyes went wide with relief.

"He is? Where is he?" Aisha declared as she held tight to Aemond's hand.

"He was headed to dragonstone." Otto remarked.

"What?" Aisha couldn't process. "No, he wouldn't... not after everything..."

"Word spread like wildfire, my lady." Otto assured. "He was sailing to dragonstone, his injuries were great but he moves to dragonstone, to declare Rhaenyra queen."

"No." Aisha said her voice barely a whisper. "No. he wouldn't... he wouldn't... he wouldn't do that, not after..." she couldn't breathe. "My mother must have tricked him. Someone must have tricked him." Aisha declared. "He wouldn't..."


''too few to win a war for the throne." Corlys countered walking around the map looking at the pieces placed elegantly around.

''well we would also hope to have the support of houses Arryn, Baratheon and Stark-" Rhaenyra went on.

" Hope is the fool's ally." Corlys informed her stiffly.

''Both Arryn and Baratheon share blood with my house, all of them swore oaths to me." Rhaenyra retorted trying to keep her composure.

''As did House Hightower, if I remember''. Corlys reminded her and Hightower was now their biggest rival. Corlys knew that with Aisha on their side there would be no winning.

''As did you, Lord Corlys.'' Rhaenyra reminded. Slowly he turned to his grandchildren before looking back to Rhaenrya.

''Your father's realm was one of justice and honor. Our houses are bound by common blood... but so is Hightower." Corlys reminded her.

"Husband." Rhaenys begged.

"They haven't killed any of my children. My brother..." Corlys reminded them all.

"Are you declaring war with the queen?" Erryk asked drawing his blade. Corlys moved across the room his cane clicking with every step.

"No." Corlys corrected. "I'm getting my daughter and I'm going home." He spat.

"Corlys think about what you are doing." Rhaenys begged.

"She killed out son. Her husband killed our daughter and my brother." Corlys reminded her. "Now she wants to start a war with our last daughter."

"We are family-"

"So are they." Corlys countered. "Aisha has loved those boys forever." Corlys reminded her. "And she has hated you just as long." Corlys remarked and Rhaenyra lifted her chin trying to maintain her composure.

"Restrain him." Rhaenyra demanded and Corlys cane dropped from his grip as he was grabbed. "Rhaenys, you are now the voice of driftmark." Rhaenyra declared.

"You can't!" Corlys shouted.

"I am the queen. I can." Rhaenyra countered defensively.

"Aisha is our last living child and you are just going to throw her aside?" Corlys spat.

"She made her choice." Rhaenys said softly.

"And you made yours." Corlys hissed.

''This Hightower treason cannot stand. You have the full support of our fleet and house. Your grace." Rhaenys informed her and Corlys huffed out a breath as he pulled in the knights fierce grip.

''You honor me, Princess Rhaenys,' Rhaenyra said confidently. ''but, as I said to my Bannermen I made a promise to my father to hold the realm strong and united. If war's first stroke is to fall, it will not be by my hand.''

''You do not mean to act." Corlys realized staring back at her confused still held immobilized.

''Taking Caution... does not mean standing fast... I wish to know who my allies are... before I send them to war.' Rhaenyra corrected.

''Consequence of our near demise in the stepstones Is that we now control them." Ser Anthony informed her.

"Shut up." Corlys hissed to one of his knights.

"We took care to fully garrison the territory this time... a total blockade of the shipping lanes will be in place in days if not already. The triarchy have been routed, the narrow sea is ours," Anthony told her.

"Stop, silence, immediately!" Corlys shouted thrashing in the knights grip.

"We have a new queen." Anthony told him. "Best be on the right side of history. Rhaenyra couldn't believe her ears. "if we further seal the gullet... we can cut off all seaborne travel and trade to King's Landing."'

"I should take Meleys and patrol the gullet myself." Rhaenys told her.

''When we drain the Narrow Sea, we can surround King's Landing, lay siege to the Red Keep, and force the Green's surrender.'

" If we're to have enough swords to surround King's Landing, we must first secure the support of Winterfell the Arryn and the Storm's End." Rhaenyra reminded them

'' I'll prepare the ravens, Your Grace.'

'We should bear those messages." Jace spoke up and Rhaneyra stared back at him with concern. "Dragons can fly faster than ravens and they're more convincing. Send us." Jace begged

''The prince is right, Your Grace.'' Rhaenyra stared back at her boys a long moment before agreeing.

''Very well.'' Rhaenrya agreed. ''Prince Jaecerys will fly north. First to the Eyrie to see my mother's cousin, the Lady Jane Arryn. And then to Winterfell to treat with Lord Cragan Stark for the support of the North. Prince Lucerys will fly south to Storm's End and treat with Lord Borros Baratheon. We must remind these lords of the oaths they swore and the cost of breaking them." Rhaenyra informed her council.


"A raven came." Aegon remarked handing it Aisha. She read it over quickly, then slowly, then the parchment ripped in her grip. "What does it say?" Aemond had already left to secure a union for Daeron and one of the baratheons.

"My parents have sided with Rhaenyra and they control..." Aisha swallowed the lump in her throat as Alicent moved to her. "They took control of the step stones, they have control over the trades, they will cut us off if we don't surrender the crown now." Aisha told her through a shaky voice.

Alicent took the scroll from her. Aisha threw a glass down to the ground and it shattered.

"You offered her peace and they mean to cut us off." Aisha told her. "There is your peace!" Aisha declared. "Can we do things my way now?"


'' It's been said that as Targaryens, we are closer to gods than to men. The Iron Throne puts us a touch closer, perhaps. But, if we are to serve the Seven Kingdoms, we must answer to their gods. If you take this errand, you go as messengers, not as warriors." Rhaenyra requested her sons. ''You must take no part in any fighting. Swear it to me now, under the eyes of the Seven." Erryk brought their bible forward.

''I swear it.' Luke said putting his hand on the book, Jace hesitated before stepping forward.

''I swear it.' Jace agreed.

''Thank you.'' Rhaenyra said as Erryk stepped back. ''Cregan Stark is close to your age, then to mine. I would hope that as men, we can find some common interest." She told Jace.

''Yes, Your Grace.'' Jace agreed

''Storm's End is a short flight from here." Rheanyra remarked as Luke stepped forward looking out over the seas. ''You have Baratheon blood from your grandmother, Anise. And Lord Borros is an eternally proud man. He'll be honored to host a prince of the realm. And his dragon. I expect you will receive a very warm welcome'' Rhaenyra told them but she was nervous to send her boys out.

''Yes, Mother.'' Luke agreed. "I mean, your grace." He corrected.

"Get to it then." Rhaenyra told them and her boys headed off.

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