7. Control

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''They make a handsome match, don't they?''

''What?'' Criston questioned turning to Joffrey.

''Well, the Princess and Ser Laenor.'' Joffrey told him smugly. ''Ser Joffrey Lonmouth, or the Knight of Kisses, they call me, though I don't know why.'' He introduced. "Little Aisha scrunches her face up at all Kisses even from me so perhaps it is a silly name." Joffrey chuckled but Criston was not amused.

'' I'm on watch. What's your business?''

''You don't know me, Ser Criston. But we are both deeply invested in this union.''

''If you have something to say, Ser Joffrey, speak it.'' Criston hissed

''Ser Laenor is quite dear to me. As I know... the Princess is to you. We should swear to each other to guard them, and their secrets, because if those are kept safe... then so are we all'' Joffrey told him.

''May I, Ser Harwin?'' Daemon said stepping into his place on the dance floor.

''Of course, my Prince.'' Harwin remarked stepping away immediately. At the feast Damon moved through the crowd getting to Rhaenyra and leading her away from the center.

"Excuse me." Aisha whispered crouching through Ser Harwin's legs. He chuckled as she moved around dancers and through knights legs.

"It's raining." Aegon told her when she found him.

"Rain is beautiful." Aisha told him.

"I don't think so."

"Well..." Aisha glanced back inside as she pulled him farther out on the balcony. "Can I show you something?"

"Of course.' Aegon agreed.

"You can not tell anyone!" Aisha told him.

"Why? Is it bad?" Aegon countered.

"I don't actually know but mother seemed very sure about it being a secret." Aisha told him.

"Well I'm your friend now and friends can keep secrets." Aegon offered and Aisha nodded as she held out a hand and focused hard.

''Is this what you want?'' Daemon asked

''I was not aware that what I wanted matter to you.' Rhaenyra countered

'This is not for you.'' he told her ''he is a good man in a fine night he will bore you senseless.''

''Marriage is only a political arrangement I hear.'' Rhaenyra reminded him.

''Mine was recently dissolved.'' Daemon reminded her.

''so take me and then has this not been your purpose?'' She countered ''I am not yet married but the hours past swiftly you are surely unarmed cut through my fathers kings guard take me to Dragon stone and make me your wife.'' he stared down at her grabbing her face in his hands when screams rang out.

A bubble levitated above her hand as a scream echoed to Aisha and Aegon's ears the bubble popped as they spun around.

"What's happening?" Aisha shouted covering her ears.

"I will protect you." Aegon told her confidently as he hugged her.

A fight broke out and the princess was nowhere in sight as circle formed, they dueled, Cirston against Ser Joffrey suddenly everyone scrambling to get away.

"Aisha!" Rhaenys called out nervously. She didn't see any of her children.

Ser Joffrey felt lightheaded blood trickled from his nose as Criston beat joffrey to a pulp. Rhaenyra was carried away from the madness and all went quiet as Cole got up marching away. Laenor looked at his lover dead on the floor he crawled over to him his head bashed in blood seeping around him he cried out.

"What in the Seven Hells is going on?"

"Stop this!" Corlys demanded

''Where's Rhaenyra?'' Viserys shouted.

''Princess?'' Harwin shouted.

''Put me down!'' Rhaenyra declared as Harwin carried her over his shoulder leading her away.



"We are fine father.' Aegon assured as Corlys pulled Aisha to him.

"I'm fine. We were outside." Aisha agreed. Corlys ran his hands over her damp cheeks. "What happened?"


"The love of the Seven is holy and eternal. The source of life and love. We stand here tonight in thanks and praise to join two souls as one." The high septon began. ''Father... Mother... Warrior... Smith... Maiden... Crone... Stranger. Hear now their vows.'' Rhaenyra stared across at a weepy Laenor, for he had just lost the true love of his life. Aisha held tight to Laena's hand. Joffrey was always nice to her and she didn't understand what happened. Why he was gone... Laenor looked to Aisha a frown on her face as she stared back at him. Laenor looked back to Rhaenyra before looking to his feet a deep sigh expelled from his lips.

''I am yours and you are mine. Whatever may come.'' Laenor said sadly.

''I am yours and you are mine. Whatever may come.'' Rhaenyra whispered back and kissed the corner of his lips.

''Here, in the presence of gods and men, I proclaim... Laenor of House Velaryon... Rhaenyra of House Targaryen, to be man and wife. One flesh... one heart... one soul... now and forever.'' The high septon declared as Viserys collapsed to the ground before them. Aisha's eyes went wide. What was going on?


Ser Criston was going to kill himself after what he had done, the dishonor of it all. He couldn't live with himself but Aisha came outside and he looked up to her.

"Oh my." Aisha whispered.

"Little lady..." Criston whispered.

"The king just collapsed." Aisha told him. "Everyone is worried... I feel like the rain calms me." Aisha told him walking towards him. "Perhaps it could help you," she offered.

"Rain can't fix what I did little lady." Criston told her.

"What did you do?" Aisha asked continuing to walk towards him.

"I hurt someone. I broke my oath."

"Oh... an oath is like a rule right?" Aisha asked as Criston put down his blade as she stood before him.

"Yes. A rule. A promise." Criston agreed.

"I broke a rule today to." Aisha told him.

"I don't think your rule is as bad as mine." Criston told her.

"still a rule." Aisha told him. "Do you want to see?'

"See?" Criston asked leaned back onto his heels.

"Well I already broke it once so breaking the same rule isn't as bad a breaking lots of different rules right?" Aisha offered.

"I don't understand." Criston told her.

"I'm going to show you. But you have to keep a secret. Can you keep a secret?" Aisha asked.

"I... yes." Criston agreed.
"I'm Aisha Velaryon." She introduced.

"Ser Criston Cole." He extended a hand and she shook it.

"You ready ser Criston?"

"Ready for what?"

Aisha smirked as she held out her hands the raindrops moved to her forming a water ball above her hands. Criston stared in amazement.

"So much to live for." Aisha told him. Criston reached out and touch the water, it burst soaking her hands. "I'm still working on control." Aisha told him.

"We all are."

Midnight Rain // Aemond Targaryen // Aegon II Targaryen (1)Where stories live. Discover now