44. I am Home

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"My Prince."

"You yourself are the mysterious White Worm, I take it." Otto wore his hood high over his head as he sat across from Mysaria. ''Or are you simply a further peel in this stinking onion?''

''My condolences on the passing of your king." She replied. Otto nodded and a bag of coin was placed in front of her, she passed it off to Jayne.

''Where is Prince Aegon?'' otto demanded.

''I thought, the Prince is in Flea Bottom where no one is to be trusted.'' Her voice shifting up and down in an unnatural pattern, making Otto's jaw tense that he was stooping so low to deal with such a woman. ''I'd best secrete him somewhere safe in case they come looking for him.''

'' Where's the Prince?'' otto demanded

''He is safely tucked away..." Otto glared back at her. ''I want an end to the savage use of children in Flea Bottom. They are forced to fight, and worse... your gold cloaks take the bribes given them to look away. An obscenity either tolerated or ignored by the crown." She went on and Otto withheld the urge to groan.

''I'll look into it. You have my word.''

''When your plots ripen and you install your grandson on the throne, remember it was me who put him there. I could have killed him as easily as a wasp on fruit. There is no power but what the people allow you to take." Mysaris hissed.

" I will remember." Otto seethed.



"Aisha, we need to leave." Rhaenys told her immediately.

"No. This is my home. Aegon will ascend the throne. You need to get on board with this." Aisha countered and Rhaenys took a step back confused.


"Aegon will be king. Rhaenyra will never sit on the throne." Aisha told her clearly.

"Aisha, they have tricked you." Rhaenys told her.

"No. they have been my family for as long as I can remember. Aemond is be husband. Aegon is my best friend." Aisha told her. "Don't be on the wrong side of this war." Aisha begged.

Rhaenys stared back at her perplexed.

"Why are you doing this?" Rhaenys asked.

"What?" Aisha spat. "Rhaenyra killed my brother. Daemon killed my sister. Then uncle Vaemond. They kill and they kill and no one does a damn thing about anything!" Aisha shouted. "The only people in the wrong here are Rhaenyra and Daemon. I just want them to pay for their crimes."

"She is the heir-"

"Aegon. Viserys named Aegon his heir."

"With only Alicent to hear it, how fortunate for her." Rhaenys countered.

"I believe her." Aisha told her mother confidently.

"Do you?"

"I believe her because she has been more of a mother to me than you have in years." Aisha spat.


"No, you went to driftmark, you tended to Rhaena or Baela whoever the fuck they are. You supported their claims but never once thought that your last living daughter would have a better claim."

"Vaemond didn't support your claim either." Rhaenys remarked.

"Of course he didn't. but you could have! You could have said something instead of so easily bending to Rhaenyra's will. She used you. To get what she wanted." Aisha told her through a shaky breath. "that's what they do.'

"Aisha you don't know what you are talking about." Rhaenys assured.

"Yes I do." Aisha countered. "I know that Rhaenyra and Daemon have never been punished. Never!' Aisha shouted. "They are going to feel my pain." Aisha seethed.

"No. you will forget this vendetta and we will go home."

"I am home." Aisha countered. "The capital is my home. Aemond is my husband. Alicent, the queen is my mother."


''You seem to have forgotten what they did, but I have not." Aisha reminded her through hooded eyes. "They will feel my pain, they will feel my loss, I don't care who is in my way..." she warned.


Little fires everywhere but no Aegon in sight. Erryk and Arryk looked around before hearing soft whimpers.

''"Listen.'' Coughing... groaning... the brothers shared a victorious grin before moving a panel from under the alter and pulling Prince Aegon out.

"No... No! No! Agh!" They hauled Aegon to his feet and he groaned and shouted in protest.

''Where is the White Worm?'' Aegon demanded drunkenly.

'' She sold you for a price." Erryk informed him

''And why have you paid it?" Aegon questioned looking between them as they each held an arm captive in their grip. "I want Aisha." Aegon demanded.

''Your grandfather, the Hand, will meet you outside the city walls.'' Erryk corrected. Aegon grunted pushing them away as he ran but on drunken feet he didn't get far.

"You flee what other men die seeking, Aegon." Arryk said pushing him down.

Belling tolling in the distance as they made it to the light, Aemond and Criston saw Aegon being brought out.

''I do regret this, friend.'' Criston said pointing his sword at Erryk. Aegon threw an elbow back and made a run for it. Criston attacked Erryk as Aemond tackled Aegon.

''No! Stop! No.'' Aegon shouted. Aemond got him on his back and Aegon started giggling.

" I was hoping you disappeared." Aemond seethed.

'' Is our father truly dead?'' Aegon asked his smile falling.

''Yes... and they're going to make you king.'' Aemond hissed and Aegon spit up at him and Aemond faltered back, Aegon jumped up and ran again.

"Agh!" Aemond wiped at his face lunging at Aegon and catching him easily.

"No!" Aegon screamed out struggling in Aemond's strong grasp.

"How long have you been fucking my wife?" Aemond hissed gripping tight to Aegon's hair yanking his head back.

"Are you going to help me?!" Erryk asked looking up to his brother staring down at them from a safe distance.

"No! Let me go!" Aegon continued to trash in Aemond's grip.

"Where's your brother, huh?" Criston mused his eyes darting around as his blade stayed focused on Erryk.

"Let me go! Brother! Ahh! Let me go! I have no wish to rule! No taste for duty!" Aegon pleaded. "I'm not suited."

"You'll get no argument from me." Aemond said dully.

"You let me go, I will find a ship and sail away, never to be found." Aegon continued to plead. "I won't look at Aisha again, just let me go."

"The Queen awaits." Aemond hissed.  

Midnight Rain // Aemond Targaryen // Aegon II Targaryen (1)Where stories live. Discover now