14. Honesty

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''To ease the pain, Princess.'' Laenor and Qarl could be heard singing loudly and very drunkenly.

''Thank you.'' Rhaenyra said softly as she sat down with annoyance.

''You'll feel better in a day or two, when the milk dries up.'' their singing grew louder but the door swung open and they silenced before bursting out laughing

''My dear wife.'' Laenor said with a chuckle

''Princess.'' Qarl said softly as he let go of Laenor

''Oh... I fell down.'' Laenor lied smugly.

''Where have you been?'' Rhaenyra questioned stiffly

''Out with Qarl. Didn't I mention it? Are you in very much pain?" Laenor remarked noticing her hand on her breast her pinched face. ''The milk... swells the breasts...'' Laenor said grabbing at his own breasts.

''Would you mind, Ser Qarl? I would like to speak with my husband.'' Rhaenyra said stiffly.

''Of course, Princess.' Laenor sighed as Qarl left the door closing behind him

''War... is afoot again in the Stepstones, Rhaenyra. The Triarchy takes new life from its alliance with Dorne. They're waylaying ships and cargo. Qarl's been fighting there. He showed me a...'' Laenor began with a chuckle ''He showed me a sack of sapphires big as walnuts he took from the pirate he slew. Ahh... after all this time, this is just what I need, a little adventure. A good, honest battle to enliven my blood again. He says there is a Tyroshi general there, a giant, they say, who dyes his beard purple and wears women's frocks.'' Laenor laughed out but Rhaenyra was not amused.

''A few months, maybe...'' Laenor went on sobering slightly.

''Hm.'' Rhaenyra countered

''To be back at sea.''

''Are you mad? Do you know what's happened... while you've been guzzling all the ale in Flea Bottom?'' Rhaenyra hissed

''Gods know what besides?''

''Dark rumors are hunting us, Laenor. They nip at our heels. Questions... about our sons' parentage. Vile, disgusting insinuations.'' Rhaenyra hissed

''Insinuations, are they?'' Laenor mused leaning back in his chair

''They are our sons! Yours and mine. And their true father will not abandon them now to go carousing through the Narrow Sea, waggling his sword and winking at his sailors.'' Rhaenyra spat

''I am a knight... and a warrior. And I have played my part here, faithfully... for 10 years. I am owed some...'

''You are owed nothing!'' Rhaenyra shouted. ''For 10 years, you have indulged yourself at court, bought the finest horses, drunk the rarest of wines, fսckеd the lustiest boys.''

''This was our agreement.'' Laenor reminded her

''I have not begrudged you. But... you do not desert your post when the storm lashes.'' Rhaenyra hissed

''The wise sailor flees the storm as it gathers.''

''Very well then. I command you. As your Princess and the heir to the throne, you are commanded to remain in King's Landing and at my side.'' Rhaenyra demanded.


''It's been eight years, sweetling. Half of them never do, you know?'' Laena remarked when she came up to Rhaena turning her dragon egg on the fire.

''What?'' Rhaena asked.


''Will they let me stay?'' Rhaena questioned

''Will who let you stay?''

''The Prince of Pentos.'' Rhaena clarified as she looked away from the fire

''I don't understand.'' lAena said softly.

''He wants you and father... and Baela... 'cause you have dragons.'' Rhaena declared on the brink of tears

''There is more than one way to bind yourself to a dragon. I was without one until I was 15 years old and now I ride Vhagar, Your aunt Aisha doesn't have a dragon, though she prefers water to fire." Laena added with a chuckle. "Vhagar is the largest in the world. You have a harder road. Baela's dragon was born to her. But if you wish to be a rider, you must claim that right. Your father would tell you the same.'' Laena assured

''Father ignores me.'' Rhaena countered stiffly

''He's doing his best.''


''Aisha and Laenor have written. Rhaenyra has delivered another son.'' Laena said as she approached Daemon in the tower.

'Does your brother or sister mention if this one also bears a marked but entirely coincidental resemblance to the Commander of the City Watch?'' Daemon said with a chuckle

''He seems to have left that detail out.'' Laena said softly as she sat next to him. "But Aisha spoke of his great resemblance to Jace and Luke." Laena admitted.

"The honest one." Daemon remarked and Laena nodded.

"She had a strong moral compass. Yet she seems blind to Rhaenyra's... indiscretions."

''Mm.'' Daemon agreed, everyone knew of Laenor's activities. It was no shock Rhaenyra's children were black of hair.

''I miss my brother, Daemon. As I think do you." Laena offered

''I miss Westerosi strong wine. It could be depended on for a few hours of peaceful oblivion. This amber shit that they drink here.'' Daemon countered spilling his wine as he got up.

''Do you never long for home?''


''I don't believe you.'' Laena countered

''Believe what you please.'' Daemon said nonchalantly.

'You laud the virtues of Pentos, but you have no interest in it. If you did, you would venture into the city, but instead, you spend your time here, in the library, reading accounts of the same dead dragonlords whose legacy you claim has no hold on you.'' Laena demanded

''Didn't know I was being so minutely observed.''

''You do not sleep.''

''Well, how can I with you haunting my every move?'' Daemon countered glaring back at her.

''Life has, I know, disappointed you.' Laena offered and Daemon chuckled she wasn't his first choice. ''Perhaps, I too, am not the wife you would've wished for yourself.''

''Laena.'' Daemon said exasperatedly.

''It does not pain me. I have made my peace. But you are more than this, Daemon. The man I married was more than this.''

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