.・゜゜・Only one? .・゜゜・

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3rd Pov

As they all walked into the school they headed straight for the headmaster.... *Knock knock...* "oh.. Come in." The headmaster told those who were on the other side. "Oh? What are you four doing here?" Crowley asks the braincell quartet. They all start to explain on how they almost died because they had to fight the ink monster.

"A monster? Hmmm.. Let's go into my office for now." Crowley says as he grabs Y/n's hand which the boys give him a death glare.

Once in the office Crowley reiterates what happened to Y/n and the boys. "So a mysterious monster tried to attack you, and you all worked together to bring back the mine's to me." "I wouldn't say we worked together." "It's more like we all had the same goal to finish." Ace a Deuce tell the headmaster as begins to cry.

"What the heck is this guy's problem?! Bursting into tears in public. How old are you?" Grim asks only for Y/n to hit him on the head. "In all the decades I have worked at the school... Sob sob..... The day has finally come were Night Raven College students have joined hands together." Crowley proudly says as he cries more trying to wipe away his tears.

"No way would I hold this guys hand!" Deuce yells as he points at Ace which Ace did the same. "Okay first. There were never any hand holding. Unless it was Y/n.." Ace muttering the last sentence. "Gross, and two. How old are you exactly Headmage?!" Ace asks only to be hit slightly by Y/n.

"At the moment I am moved beyond words. Sob.... Yuu, my doubt about you are allayed. Yuu, you have the abilitys of a beastmaster!" Crowley praises the boy who is latched onto Y/n. "Bleh... What exactly is a beastmaster?" Yuu grumbles.

"Most of my students that come threw the dark mirror have only been picked because of their talent and potential. But great talent means great pride and egos.. Most of them are so self-centered and self-reliant that they never think of cooperating with each other." Crowley starts. "You make that seem like a bad thing." Grim comments. Crowley ignoring Grim's comment and counties with his conversation. "But you, Yuu, possess no magic. Yet in spite of it, or because of it you were able to make these who had magic work together for the same goal."

"None of what he is saying is good." Ace says to Y/n while leaning on her shoulder. "Yuu.. I am convinced that you are almost just like Y/n. So I am convinced that if there are more people out, there like you two, which is very necessary for our school. My educators intuition tells me so. Trappola, Spade.. I revoke you both from explosion. Furthermore Yuu.. I am granting you the necessary qualifications to attend Night Raven College!" Crowley tells the boys as their, jaws drop.

"You do know I can't use magic right?" Yuu roles his eyes as he hears what the headmaster said. "Of course this is extraordinarily kind of me. However there is one condition. Your inability to use magic, for a mage is unexceptionable. You would not be able to pass some of your classe. As as for you Grim. You made it clear you can use magic to be a mage, and because of that you and Yuu will be sharing an enrollment!" Crowley told the two. "Myah... I'll actually get to go to a real school? As an actual student. Not a janitor?" Grim starts to tear up.

"Correct but we mustn't have anymore incidents like what happened today. Are we clear?" Crowley asked Grim. "Myah.. Y/n...I finally...." Grim starts to tear up as Y/n pickes him up and cradles his. "Great job Grim." "Mya! I finally did it!" Grim cheers as Crowley looks at him with a deadpan expression. "Accordingly, I will now present Grim the mage stone that is issued to every student here." "Heh? A mage stone" Grim asks as he stops his little peraid in Y/n's arms.

"It is typically attached to mage pen, but since you have paws I have a custom solution for you. Aren't I kind." Crowley gave the cat a smile as a collar was placed upon the fire demon. "Ah sweet! I look awesome. A mage stone collar only to be worn by the legendary archmage, Grim!" Grim squeals.

"Your not listening to a single thing I am saying are you? Well as you can see Yuu and Y/n, Grim is oblivious, and will need help with the customs of human society. Yuu it is mainly your job to keep a keen eye on Grim so no more incidents happened." Crowley tells mainly Yuu as he gives Y/n a side hug which she questions.

"Wow what a promotion. From janitor to a student in a day." Ace says as he looks at the two who have joined in one. "Oh, I see, since it's just you three and the Headmage put you two in charge of Grim, that would make Yuu Vice dormhead, because Y/n is the prefect." Deuce says as Ace buts in. "Well that's gotta be Night Raven College's first Non magic Vice dormhead." Ace said as Yuu just rolled his eyes.

"Good luck Spade. Let's see the same spirit we saw at the mine's!" Deuce said trying to in courage Y/n. "Ah yes... I suppose that would make you Y/n' assistant." Crowley starts. "Oh and I have something for you Y/n! It's called a ghost camera!" (...That looks old and familiar...) Y/m thought "Does it still work?" She asked. "Why of course! This is called the ghost camera." Crowley answers the girl. "Ghost camera?" Yuu questions as he looks at the old camera.

"Oh I my grandma told me about those. There like super old magic item's, right?" Ace asked "I wouldn't consider the "super old".. But it may have been invented when your great or great-great grandmother was a child. It's a camera enchanted with a special kind of magic!"  Crowley cept on ranting about the camera until it was time to let them go.

"Alright, well you all go to your dorms now and I hope that you Y/n will be using that camera often!" Crowley waves goodbye and so do the students.

In the Hallway...

"Few.. I didn't get expelled...." Deuce sighed. "Ya.. If it wasn't for... Your plan Y/n.. We wouldn't still be in this school.." Ace blushed. "We should all get going back to our dorms now. We all need to get some sleep for tomorrow after what had happened.." Y/n says as Yuu smile as he holds onto her.

"Ya I guess so. Ha. I have to sleep in the same room as this loud mouth." Deuce mentally cries as he points at Ace. "Oh please, I have it worse, for having to look at you face every morning."  Ace shot back. "Well good night boys. We'll see you tomorrow." Y/n says as she waves at the two boys going at each other's throats. As the trio leaves Y/n could have heard someone.

At Ramshackle

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