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     "This would look cute on you!~" Luna cooed, pointing at the necklace with a jewelled teddy bear.

     "Awe!" Lotus cooed. 

     She pointed to one that she thought would look great on the bleached blonde; a gold chain choker with a heart-shaped hoop. "What about that one?" 

     "That's gorgeous!" Luna exclaimed as they fawned over the jewellery around them. 

     It had been an hour since they had set out on the spontaneous trip. Luna had proposed going shopping out of nowhere. Probably to spite Jeongsoo who called her out for claiming his sister as hers yet not doing anything but acting like an aunt. Her solution was to drag said sister out to contribute to consumerism. 

     "We'll be getting this," Luna hummed out as she set a velvet red skirt hanging from a plastic hanger over her arm before moving on.

     She felt the fabric of another skirt once she stopped. It was pleated with a light plaid. "This would look cute on you." She hummed in thought before putting it over her arm, similar to the velvet skirt from before.

     "What are you doing?" Lotus awkwardly asked, eyeing the pleated skirt. 

     Luna glanced over to her before looking at her arm, shrugging, "Oh, I'm going to buy it."

     Just like she did back at the other two stores. The girl wearily gave a whir. Normally, she liked shopping, but having others spend money on her...especially in large amounts like Luna was doing was onerous and awkward. 

     "But you've already bought me a lot..." She trailed off, referencing the three bags Luna had left near the store register. 

     This woman could single-handedly keep the economy going. Geez. 

     "I told you that I'd be getting you anything!" Luna chirped before slyly grinning at her, "Besides, isn't getting new clothes so fun?"

     It was clear, she was trying to get Lotus into her consumerism cult. Nice try, but she already consumed much. 

     "It is, but I don't want to drain your money." Draining money was completely different when it was her own despite the fact she tried not to use up her own---she only got an allowance once every month, after all! And it wasn't even a lot.

     "Nonsense!~" The blonde sang, "I rarely ever go overboard on spending."

     Lotus could almost hear Jeongsoo hissing into her ear, calling Luna out for her lies. She just slowly nodded, allowing the woman to do what made her happy.

     Hours passed until they tired themselves out, running around to different shops as Luna blew her cash spoiling both herself and her self-proclaimed little sister. They had settled down in a quaint little restaurant that Lotus would not have normally given the time of day. It would have intimidated her with how chic it looked. But she felt slightly better being there with Luna who fit in.

     Even the food was aesthetic, like the dishes the food bloggers would post on their sunstargram.

     "Do you need some pictures to post?" Luna hummed as she snapped a photo of the eye-pleasing meal she had gotten, sparing Lotus some of her attention. 

     While she got bibimbap that was arranged in a mouth-wateringly perfect way, Lotus has gotten kimchi noodles with dumplings. It made it salivate, eager to dig in, but Luna took really nice pictures.

     "Sure!" She relented, pushing aside her hunger and allowing the woman to move enough to get a good angle of her meal. 

     As she returned to her normal seating position, she looked at her phone in admiration of her skills. "I'll send them to you later." She said, setting the device next to her and returning to look at her not-related sister.

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