[ 18 ]

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     Sonorous and rapid, knocking at Lotus' door caused her to jolt from the nap she was taking at her desk that was crammed between the corner of her room and her bed. The incessant pounding on the entryway continued as she quickly wiped the drool from the corners of her lips and tossed Tofu, whom she was using as a pillow, onto her bed.

     "What is it?" She called out in hopes that the person would stop the noise. 

     "My precious baby sister!~" She could hear Jeongsoo's ungodly loud voice, "Are you decent?~"

     She gave a loud reply of confirmation before her door opened to reveal said brother with his chin-length hair tied into a ponytail and a goofy grin stuck on his face. "Did you just wake up? Your voice is kinda groggy." He took the pleasure of pointing out.

     She looked down at the book the Tofu had once covered. Thank goodness he was there to protect it from her drool. She shut it as she gave Jeongsoo a short and simple answer, "Yes."

     Despite being given such a bland reply, he stayed excited. Clasping his hands together, he exclaimed, "Well, Seyeon and I are doing a project!"

     Despite just waking up, she decided to indulge him. Obviously, he came to her because she would care about whatever he wanted to either brag or talk about, so she would freely listen to what he had to say. 

     "A project?" She tiredly repeated.

     "We're making origami stars. We're trying to beat Jaewook and Ava's amount." He explained before scoffing, "I don't know how they can make so many so fast but they showed up with this bucket full this morning."

     Lotus nodded along, having no idea why in the world they would make a competition out of paper stars. 

     "And your unnie is here, too~" 

     He was quickly moved out of the way by the bleached haired lady who barely took a second to gasp as she saw the interior of the room. 

     "This is so you!" Luna exclaimed, "It's so cute!"

     Lotus blankly stared, taking a moment to let her newly woken mind compute why this woman was fawning over her room. As she was finally able to take in what was happening she slowly nodded. 

     "Thank you!" She chirped, clearing her throat to wash away whatever waking croak was left in her voice.

     "It reminds me of my childhood! You know, I had a friend I used to have sleepovers with and her's looked a little bit similar! Though it wasn't as adorable as all of this." Luna told her.

     If you put her and a kid who was seeing snowfall for the first time, they'd look the same. 

     "Take some notes, girl. You need to add some colour to your apartment." Jeongsoo passively commented to the woman. 

     Luna's sparkly aura dropped and she playfully glowered at him. "And you need to organize your room, you little shit." She shot back. 

     Jeongsoo chuckled and left the doorway to go waste his day making those origami stars. 

     "Aren't you a part of their competition?" Lotus questioned now that the talkative duo was split up. 

     "Nah, I suck at that stuff. I can make origami dogs though," Luna answered, sitting on the storage chest in front of Lotus' bed, "Do you have some paper?"

     Lotus quickly nodded, opening the drawer of her desk where her notebooks were stored away. She didn't have any plain paper, so she'd have to settle for lines. After tearing a blank page from one of them, she handed it over to the woman.

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