[ 04 ]

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     "It's such a short notice," Lotus sighed out to her phone that was laying on her desk as she peered at her hanging shirts and dresses.

     "Yeah, but it's only a small event. You don't have to look fancy," Her friend commented. 

     She puffed out her cheeks, sliding a hanger out of the way. "But I have to look nice! I don't know why my mom is forcing me to go knowing I don't like things like this. Anyway, should I wear a skirt or a dress?" She questioned. 

     Her friend on the other line let out a long hum of thought. 

     Her friend, she met online and of which she endearingly called Haneul, supposedly lived in Gwangju. They had video chatted many times before and had become familiar with each other. But they had yet to meet up because Haneul was busy with school. 

     Her parents were strict with her grades and when school was on break, she would spend it studying or at her grandparents. Despite not meeting in real life, they still held a strong friendship. They were similar in certain ways and knew how to relate to one another. 

     "If you want to look good, go for a dress." She stated, "Count to three while you choose because I just know you're going to be indecisive."

     Lotus pouted and did as told. She grabbed the dress her hand stopped on, admiring it on the hanger. The dress was one she had yet to wear. It was gifted to her by her grandparents who knew her taste all too well.

     It wasn't very long, but not too short. The light peach of the fabric was nice on the eyes as well as soft. The lace that covered the chest area and made its home above the skirt didn't feel like it was easy to get itchy in. To put it short, it was a beautiful dress. Her grandparents would be so happy if they saw her in it. 

     "Thank you, Haneul!~" She chirped.

     "Make sure to take pictures at the event and send them to me!" Haneul exclaimed as Lotus began to put it on. 

     "Yeah, yeah." Lotus droned.

     She flattened the dress after she fully got it on. She moved in front of her vanity mirror, looking at it the best she could. It looked nice, however, it was snug and made her a little self-conscious.  

     Her eyes peeked at her thighs as she pouted some more. It was a reminder of why she wore stockings in the first place. They were a tad too big for her. It was just a reminder of the past. 

     "Are you checking yourself out? You've got dead quiet."

     "Uh, yes." Lotus laughed it off.

     She continued to smooth down the wrinkles over her abdomen, "The dress is just so pretty." 

     Haneul giggled, "I think all of your clothes are pretty! Not really my preferable taste, but still! You should do 'what's in my closet' videos. You'd probably get so many views." 

     Lotus flushed, snapping her head towards her phone, "I don't want a lot of views if I ever do that. So many people would know me and... Imagine what going into public would be like if you so happen to stumble across a fan. I don't think I can survive the anxiety of talking to anyone so suddenly like that."

     "You can always blur your face."

     "Good point," She replied, relaxing, "How about you do one of those videos? Your closet is cute, too! You match so well, it'll be a shame if you didn't."

     "You're right! Maybe I should do one. If people like those silent vlogs, they'll like my videos!" Haneul cheered. 

     Lotus softly smiled at the girl's excitement. Haneul was always so cheerful and rarely ever seemed down. There very much were times she would let it all out to Lotus, but she always never ceased to make the air lighter. 

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