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     Spring was her favourite season, but she'd be lying if she said she didn't enjoy being out during autumn. Especially when she could start wearing sweaters without getting all sweaty and could read in the park without feeling even more uncomfortable due to all the heat. 

     A book being shut caught her attention causing her to look to the side. Her fingers dug into the pages of her own book, her lips parting. 

     "You finished it already?!" She exclaimed, meeting eyes with Kingsley. 

     "It was an interesting read." He commented, holding it out for her to take. 

     A small laugh left her as she nodded. "Yep!" She hummed before reaching for her bag and murmuring, "Let's see which one I can lend you this time. And sorry I don't have the book you lent me. I'm still reading it."

     "Take your time." He dismissed. 

     She shot him a smile before returning to look in her bag. There wasn't much in her bag but two small boxes that were carefully sitting on everything else, a few books and miscellaneous items she thought would be a good idea to bring along when leaving the house. She removed the boxes, looking over the books that were neatly placed inside the bag. 

     "Here it is!" She chirped, holding one that she knew for a fact he had never read. 

     Once that was taken from her hold, she replaced it with one box. "And!" She chirped and held it up, "Before I forget about them again, I made some candied lemon slices last night with my dad and I packed some away for you and Donald. You're planning on meeting him today, right?!" 

     He gave a slight nod, "Yes."

     With the final of the two boxes in her hands, she bit the inside of her cheek. This would be a good time to ask if he's noticed anything off, but she wasn't so sure she'd be able to get it out without sounding suspicious. With a deep inhale, she opened her lips to say, "Could you give him this one?" 

     Not that! While she was going to ask that, she wasn't supposed to say that right now! Curse her chickening out! In defeat, she showed him the box that was similar to the one she had already given him. 

     "I will."

     "Thank you!" She exclaimed, handing it to him as her shoulders slumped.

     He had grabbed it and set it to the side with his. "I've been wondering..." He spoke, turning back to her. 

     A sound of curiosity left her, "Hm?"

     Kingsley opened the book she gave him as he continued with a question that stunned her; "Do you like Donald Na?"

     She froze, staring at him wide-eyed with an agape mouth. Before her face could light up like a tree, she was quick to attempt to form some words of denial. "Um..." She trailed off, but couldn't think of anything. She couldn't even if she tried. Instead, she slumped in defeat.

     Of course he had suspected it! That only further confirmed that Donald might know, too. Times like this made her wonder why she couldn't have been like Paz in the 'showing emotions' department. 

     "So you do like him," Kingsley commented, his suspicion confirmed as he observed her defeated form. 

     "I can't even deny it anymore." She groaned, burying her face in her hands, "It's so obvious, even to myself now."


     This caught her attention. He was finally using her name in a serious way, no last name added. She looked up, internally wincing as she prepared for some hard words. Would he tell her he didn't like her? Or that he was taken? Or to give up? Oh goodness, where was her blanket cocoon and Tofu?

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