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     The crisp air of autumn danced around, making the change of seasons clearer if not for the red, yellow, brown, and oranges everywhere. Two people who met in the early summer walked side-by-side just like they used to, enjoying the ambience of the near barren streets.

     "I think it might be time for me to go home." She hummed, remembering how long they were out; two hours and she was sure he had things to do. 

     "But I kind of don't want to go home." She confessed. 

     "That's new. You're supposed to be a hermit." Donald said. 

     "I'd rather be here!" Lotus exclaimed before mellowing, "It's fun around you."

     She paused as she heard the words slipping from her mouth. Her eyes widened and she quickly added, "And Kingsley, too! And Luna and...you get the point."

     "I do." He chuckled.

     There she goes rambling again. Good thing she caught herself before making the normal fool of herself. 

     "I should've known." She gave a flustered laugh. 

     But looking at the perk of his lips, her foolish rambling didn't bother her much. Besides, she could tell by the light pitch of his breathy laugh that his usual condescending tint wasn't there. She didn't have anything to worry about in the first place, as per usual. 

     Knuckles graced the back of her hand. It was slight, like a breath in the cold air, but she still felt the coldness the owner of them gave off. Just like when she talked things over on the pedestrian bridge, she wanted to jolt but forced it back. She hadn't held those hands since the time she had stayed out a little late with him near the station, but the memory was a phantom on her palm. 

     There was a part of her that wanted to grab his hand to feel it against her's again and let the day pass. It was sort of a comforting thing. She didn't want to worry about other plans or work unfinished like cleaning or like—

     Oh, she remembered something important that she needed to complete. The real reason she needed to cut this thing short. 

     "Ah! But I do have to finish rearranging my room!" She exclaimed, pursing her lip, "Darn it."

     Donald didn't look remotely bothered at this. Instead, he simply said, "We'll have other days to see each other."

     How those words sparked joy in her mind. The light in her eyes couldn't be helped, even when she slumped. 

     "I know," She softly whined, "Bye."

     He nodded, watching her scurry off after a small wave was given from her, his eyes softening just a bit. "It's going to take so long!" He could hear her mutter just before she was out of hearing range. 

     He stuck his hand into his pocket, sliding out his phone to look down at the screen. It had vibrated nearly half an hour before, he could only guess what that notification was about. One look and he exhaled, turning it off and returning it to his pocket.   

     He continued walking, this time with a destination in mind. He had kept him waiting for long enough, not that the boy would mind as long as he didn't get there too late—and not that he himself cared. Besides, he always understood his reasonings. 

     And when he came across the tall boy, he didn't look bothered just as expected. Instead, he stared at Donald through the lens of his glasses that slightly hid his eyes with the glint of the light.

     A silence was between them as he tilted his head down just a bit, his eyes being revealed more.

     "Lotus again?" He finally said something. 

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