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"ROX, COME ON! we're gonna be late!" dani called from downstairs, just as roxanne was adding the last coat of mascara on her lashes.

"i'm coming, i'm coming!" the girl yelled back, gathering her supplies for school and rushing down the stairs. she met her family in the kitchen and she passed by her mother, who was pouring a second glass of white wine in her cup.

roxanne's brows furrowed at the sight of her mom. "how come you're awake this early?" she asked, adjusting the strap of her school bag on her shoulder with her free hand as she poured herself a small cup of cranberry juice.

"i thought i'd wake up early to plan a dinner party for tomorrow night." carina took a sip of her drink, eyes scanning through the pages of her home decor magazine. "i've realized that during our time here, we haven't gotten to really know the neighbors. that's why i need you kids out of the house tomorrow, okay?" her two oldest children made small sounds of agreement, while her youngest had fallen back asleep against the table after his quick breakfast.

"mom, are you sure you should be drinking this early in the morning?" dani spoke up, before stuffing his mouth with the last piece of his fresh toast.

"oh, it's fine." carina dismissed, waving her hand and rolling her eyes. "you want some?" she added, extending her half-empty glass toward her oldest son.

"we don't have time." dani sent her a tight-lipped smile as he stood up from his seat to leave.

roxanne hastily leaned over the table to grab an apple from the fruit bowl, accidentally knocking julian over the head with her elbow. the boy only sounded out a pained groan, keeping his head leaning on the kitchen table between his crossed arms sleepily.

"sorry, jul," roxanne muttered, before bringing the apple to her lips. but before she could take the first bite, her mother sent her a look.

"you sure you should eat that, honey?" carina quirked an eyebrow, looking sympathetically at her daughter as she scanned her body up and down. "you wouldn't want to fill up that stomach too much, already."

roxanne looked down at the cheerleading uniform around her body, before slowly putting the apple back in the bowl. she felt her stomach practically grumble in protest at the action.

"rox," dani called from the front door, jiggling his car keys between his fingers, signaling they should leave. roxanne quickly said goodbye to carina and followed her brother to his car to make their way to school.

the glee rehearsal of the day was coming to an end as roxanne shifted in her seat between puck and jesse, waiting for the bell to ring to go smoke behind the school; something she could always count on to suppress her appetite.

"um, alright. i have one final announcement before we all leave." mr. schue told them. "we can't use the auditorium for the next week." their teacher let out a disappointed sigh.

"but that's garbage." finn spoke up. "how are we supposed to practice for regionals without the auditorium?"

"the cheerios need it to practice in." mr. schue replied. "there's nothing I can do."

rachel stood up briskly, making roxanne roll her eyes. "I recommend a sit-in," she said, her right hand raised.

from beside quinn, puck added, "I recommend we torch the place." as mr. schue tried to deny the idea, his students high-fived in agreement.

"no. look, we've all faced adversity before, and we've come out stronger on the other end." mr. schuester told them. "I'm going to check out a few off-site locations for us to use, just for the week. I promise I'll find us a new home." and the bell rang. "have a good day, guys."

 '𝐂𝐈𝐆𝐀𝐑𝐄𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐒 𝐎𝐔𝐓 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐖𝐈𝐍𝐃𝐎𝐖' ᵍˡᵉᵉWhere stories live. Discover now