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Remus pov

Today is the funeral of regulas, Bellatrix and andromeda cousins of sirus. He has taken so hard as he loved them so much. His family were arrested for the murder as it was under the dark Lords request. I was shocked when he came home and told me and said he was upset and disappointed with them.


I woke up to knocking on the and went to open it and it was the order. Hey come on in you guys I said. Hey how's sirus asked lilly not good he's asleep and hes taking it so hard it was his family I said. Yeah we know but how are we going to help him through this as he needs us said James. I'm not sure but will figure it out I said as they all sit down.

We make breakfast as the funeral wasn't taking place till 12pm. We make sure to check on sirus as he was the one who took it badly. We were all chatting and eating as I see sirus come down and sit down on the sofa.

Hey heres your breakfast said lily I'm not hungry thanks sirus said. Don't try this you know it's not going to work with me padfoot I said. As he takes the plate and eats his breakfast. We sat around him as he falls onto my legs as he was heartbroken.

The door bell goes off and it was narcissa and lucious malfoy. Hey cous how are you sirus asks sad but how are you narcissa asks same aswell he said. He goes to the toilets and narcissa joins us on the sofas. I can tell he's taken it really bad said narcissa I know he won't stop blaming himself for what's happened I said as he comes back down.


We were ready and headed outside for the carriages to arrive for the funeral. I see how upset they are as this is their family. I can't imagine this happening to me but I need to be by his side.

We hope in the cars and head to the funeral place as we prepare to say our goodbyes and burry them. The service was going smoothly as there were no attacks happening. I had sirus head on my shoulder as we were sat down as he wanted it there.

We head to the burial as I was holding his hand as we watched them being buried for the first time. Me and lucious were the ones helping them through this as we can see it was hard for them to say goodbye to them for the last time. I couldn't tell how he was feeling but I can see it was sad and upsetting to him.


We head back to the house where we have been staying and we had every one who was at the funeral there. Alot were there supporting both sirus and narcissa through their loss.

The after party was going smoothly as we hoped aswell as we did for the funeral. I made sure he was eating and drinking as he has a habit of doing that when he loses any of  his family and we try to get him out of this habit as it was not good for his health.

We could see how bad it affected them as we all got them photo albums to remember them by as it has all of our memories inside the album and they loved it they were happy.


Everyone had left and it was just the four of us left me, James, lily and sirus as they stayed behind to help cheer sirus up. It was a lot of help he needed I was trying my hardest to help him since the incident.

We played a few games and this is the first time he smiled. He was enjoying it and I could thank James and lily as it was there idea. Hey sirus are you hungry said lily. Yeah I am sirus said here you go said lily. Thank you as he sat there and ate it as lily was handing over the food.

We sat down and watched a movie together as we all had a sofa to sit as a couple. It was a fun thing to do together as we hadn't done it in a while as I have been busy in the ministry. We were enjoying the movie as I saw the sirus fell asleep on my chest as he was very tired. The planing the funeral was alot on his mental health and he and narcissa never had the right time to grieve as they wanted to get the funeral over as fast as possible.

The best part is his family were on trail for the murder next week for the murder. I know he will be excited for the trail as he has wanted to see his family go to jail and get there karma for how he was treated as a child and his brother and cousins are getting the justice they deserve.


Sirus pov

I woke up to see the movie was still on and they all fell asleep. I went to grab something to eat as I woke up hungry as I look over at all three of them and they were so cute and I was lucky to have them.

I go and grab some blankets to keep them warm. I see fudge pop his head out and says hey sirus I have news on the trail for you he. Oh really is it good or bad I ask. Its good we have set the date for Wednesday are you fine with that I already asked narcissa and she's ok for the day fudge said. I'm fine with that is there a possibility that remus can be with me I would like his support during it I ask. Of course not a problem I will let you know more details about it tomorrow he said and goes back.

I was happy to have my biggest support during the trail and the date. He has been alot of help through my hardest times. I will always appreciate it and them for everything he has done. I was never open with things to him and the group and now I am thanks to him and James.


I changed the movie as they were still asleep I was enjoying the film. I was checking the daily prophet as I wanted to check on the latest news. I see Rita was still saying lyes but I let it go as I didn't want them to see me angry.

I turned off the TV to look outside at the stars. I really hope they found peace as I don't want you to never find it. I also hope they found each other. I remember all the jokes they made and one of them was I will always be late to my own funeral and I think I always will. I look to see how many parents were always having fun and I see one who was bonding with their son as they were outside looking at the stars.

I was glad they don't see the house but they can see us. I feel someone arm around me and it was remus I turn around and cuddle into him. Hey they told me when the trail is and it's a Wednesday I said. Oh that was fast I wasn't expecting that until next week remus said. I know im suprised as you are I never thought they would give it this fast I said.

We go back to the sofa as he lies down first and I lye down on top of him and I fall asleep with lilly and James on the other sofa and I felt really happy again and I can't wait till the trail was over.

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