Chapter 1

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【Chapter 1 : Beginning 】

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The threatening voices of men and women screaming and crying, shouting as terror was spread like an infection. Panic and fear hung over innocence like a dark cloud as the figures ran in crowds armed with guns and blades, some had explosives while others had abilities. They wore black clothing, hoods and leather boots and they certainly didn't have any shred of mercy left in them. They ran and ran, tearing through the groups of people who merely yearned for peace, They injured young, old and anyone in between. The air was thick with smoke, and the metallic scent of blood wafted through the old, beaten-down but temporary homes. Anyone would've thought the people living there were criminals on the run with the way they lived, so maybe they did steal food or daily necessities - but it wasn't like they had a choice. No miracle prophet was midway through his journey to save them. They had to live by their own rules to survive.

Children were thrown out of the way while parents were hacked down with violent blows from the unknown army. In the chaos her father was murdered violently in a failed attempt to save his family it was only moments after that her mother was impaled by the shrapnel from the explosions. A loud cry escaped her small mouth, her voice breaking and straining but she didn't care at that moment. She turned on her heels and rushed to her mother's side. As thick scarlet soaked the concrete and wet mud of the back alley, she froze in shock. With the position of the shrapnel that impaled her mother, she knew that her mother wouldn't survive. It didn't take any medical schooling to know that much. From the North end of the alley, two men dressed in dark cloaks and masks covering their faces spotted her. She bit her lip, tears streaming down her face and cheeks flushed red from the cold, she ran through multiple scenarios, desperately thinking of a way to save her mother. But to no avail.

Her mother, gathering the last of her strength gently traced her child's cheek with a small, weak but somehow warming smile spread on her face. Her skin was pale from the blood that seeped out of her body endlessly. She spoke almost silently, then whispering sweet nothings before she paused to take a ragged breath. Her eyes darted to the two men at the North side, she came to a finalising conclusion. She retracted her hand from her child's cheeks and placed her palm on the centre of the young one's chest. She pushed. She fell back, adamant about wanting to run back to her mother's side and hold the remaining warmth of the dying fire in her lap. However, to her displeasure she stumbled and then her body froze once more at the sight of the two men approaching. Her mother looked into her eyes and gave her the largest smile she could muster.

"You must... Seek revenge..." She said as her child turned to the South.

Nyx awoke with a start. Her body lunged forward in a blind rush while her hand wiped away at the dripping sweat from her forehead, even her hairline was soaked in sweat As a result of the memory that took the form of a nightmare. She wasn't Happy. She'd admit that she liked her sleep and was disappointed it was disturbed, however, this time she was thankful that she woke up before she had to relive it all. The blanket, she noticed, was tossed over Her body in a messy heap. She clutched the fluff between her fingertips while pulling it back so she could swing her legs over the side of the couch and wake herself up. She couldn't help but wonder who had moved her from sleeping on the stone floor where she was quite happy and instead transferred her to the luxury couch that was most likely used by Mori. Why on earth was she on her boss's couch? Beyond that, she thought Port Mafia executives were supposed to be heartless, if they moved her then they showed weakness... Right?

She sighed after making a final decision to fold up the blanket before anyone could complain about it. She grabbed the two corners and unfolded the mess before precisely folding it into quarters and then hanging it over the back of the piece of furniture. Everything seemed like too much effort, She was hoping to continue doing her smaller jobs so the expectations she had To meet would never put crushing pressure on her shoulders. She left the room, walking through a maze of various hallways until eventually, she came across Akutagawa. Who wouldn't notice the pitiable Diablo of the command unit, Higuchi had a lot of stress on her plate when it came to dealing with the depressed teenager who had a troubling obsession over the ex-Mafia Executive Dazai and that weretiger.

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