Chapter 5

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【Chapter 5 : Encounter】

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"That's right... I want you to join The Guild,"

Nyx was taken aback, Join the guild? What was this dude thinking? he must've been out of his mind. To their surprise, her arm was wrapped around her left suspender and dropped to her side. Surely he has a fully functional brain to conclude that she wouldn't just agree to join the guild like that? Nyx had somewhere to stay and play house, so it wasn't the most comfortable of places, it was still better than the streets, she had a debt to pay, She had comrades who relied on her and in return, she did her best to meet their expectations. She was content living life how she was and she didn't need any posh people to ruin that simply because they thought they could and because of the fact they had political standing and power. But... The more she thought about it the more the offer seemed so appealing. Running away from debt, going somewhere far more comfortable with all the peace she could ask for? It seemed appealing.

She shook her head, disappointed in herself. She had one duty, she should stick to it and not be such a letdown for Mori. Her teeth chewed on the inside of her cheek, knowing it would leave sores the following day. "Fantastic I guess, what's in it for me?"

"A Colleague found some information on you, as difficult as it was, we now know everything about you, even things you don't know about yourself, things that happened in your past," He edged on, a hand placed in his chest as if he felt some form of emotion, sympathy for Nyx. Nyx knew he was acting. Every time he spoke Nyx's fingers began to tremble. Was he talking about the cult that murdered her parents and their other acquaintances? If that were the case, her parents were off the grid, no one would be able to find information on them. It was then that she recalled; In the current society, money could get you everything (apart from a license but that brought war instead). Buying information would've been easy for someone like Francis who held a strong position in politics and wealth. But the one thing he said that did pique her interest was the information that he had of which she apparently didn't remember, "I know everything, Nyx, about your parents, the cult. I can give you a chance of revenge,"

"Revenge... That's a tempting offer," she answered truthfully, her voice soft but blunt. Mori hadn't given her an opportunity for revenge like her mother demanded. The closest she was going to get was the offer Francis had put on the table. She was tempted, Oh so sweetly tempted. Revenge, a chance to pay the cult back for their bloodshed, a chance to punish them for their wrong doings, a chance to let her parents rest in peace. But what would that do for her? Mori promised revenge already, and she had a debt to pay back. "Tempting but... Useless,"

Between the delayed exchange of replies and they each thought of what they said before they said it, the wind picked up in the background, blowing Nyx's outfit and hair to the side and sweeping the loose parts of The Guilds leaders' blazer, opening it up to show a purple silk on the inside revealing a pen and a chequebook. As the intensity between the two thickened, the weather seemed to worsen, the waves becoming restless, crashing against safety fences and the piers, climbing the concrete and stone surfaces of the warehouse areas surrounding the body of the ocean's waters.

"I can already tell you're a sensible lady, someone like you wouldn't allow Mori to use you like a puppet forever," Francis called through the strong winds.

"It would be more believable if you came with your little puppets - the ones who fought with Kōyō - Lovecraft? Come on Francis, You're already playing with fire, don't spark another match"

"Why? are you truly happy with the mafia dogs?"

Nyx laughed to herself, humoured by the nickname. Perhaps it was true, they were dogs, they appeared, as the underdogs of the city because of the Agency. The agency was the place to go if you needed help. In the end, Nyx detested the Agency, they couldn't save her parents and that was their job, to protect. The mafia was ruthless, had no morals, and probably just did it for fun, but when it came down to it - the mafia was their home. So they were worse than scum, they didn't have time to worry about their appearance in the publics' eye. She, however, had no say. Nyx, of what she recalled, was handed a difficult dish of life, she had people to please otherwise she'd be thrown to the streets, nails digging in the dirt as she begged for or stole food all over again. Seemingly; A nightmare.

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