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Jisung's pov:

Did what happened really happen or am i imagining shit? Maybe i'm just imagining that what happened actually happened even tho it didn't happen..

JISUNG GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER!! Minho hyung just pecked my nose??! He said my face was beautiful?!! What kind of dream is that! Does that mean he likes me back? No. I can't just assume that, he might've just wanted to tease me, or-?

My thaughts got interrupted by felix, who scared the living soul out of me "HAN!! what's going on with minho hyung?!!" That left me confused, " what do you mean?" I asked, "he's literally beating the shit out of daehyun right now! Wait- what happened to your face?" He added. I realized i was previously way too deep into thaught to think about the current situation, just how much of an idiot can i be.

I rushed my way to the cafeteria, leaving a confused felix behind, i was creating all the possible bad scenarios out there in my head, what if something happened to minho hyung, i would never forgive myself.


I was already sweating and panting when i arrived to the cafeteria, as i opened the door, i could see a bunch of people crowding the back of the place.


I tried to push people to get inside the circle, when i finally succeeded, my heart dropped at the sigh, it was minho hyung throwing punches at daehyun's face, while holding tightly on his collar and bending over him, the black haired looked already defeated, laying on the floor, but minho hyung didn't seem like he was finished yet.

"Minho hyung!!" i tried to call him, but he didn't notice as a lot of people were already gossiping ,taking videos, even screaming, and some were just there for intertainment.

It was all my fault...all that wouldn't have happened if it wasn't for me.. minho hyung already has enough rumors going around him, and instead of helping him, i just aggravated his image even more..

my heart tightened as I took some steps closer, normally i wouldn't want to be the center of attention but now wasn't the time for me to think about myself, i immediately back hugged minho hyung. hoping i would be able to stop him from beating the other, "hyung...please stop.." a tear i desperately was trying to hold dropped on his shirt.

I felt relieved when he stopped punching daehyun, after a few seconds i pulled my arms away, minho hyung stood up completely, just then he could see the crowd that was surrounding him, but surprisingly he didn't look like he cared much, as if he was used to it , he shouldn't feel that way, it was just totally wrong but he couldn't say anything..he made his way out while people let him freely pass by.

When he left, all the stares instantly diverted to me, some were looking at me weirdly, others not so purely.. i originally can't deal with a lot of attention since i have social anxiety, so the pearcing gazes only made it worse, i tried to move out of there the best i could.

I was finally able to close the cafeteria door, still shivering and cold sweating,"hahah" i sarcastically laughed at myself, just how useless can i be? I can't even do anything right.. I'm sorry minho hyung..


I was running throughout the whole school, searching for minho hyung when i finally found him, sitting on one of the benches outside, i immediately ran towards him, then leaned on my knees trying to catch my breath,"jisung? What are you doing here? Classes already started 20 minutes ago", i signaled him to wait with my hand still looking down and catching my breath.

Author's pov:

Jisung sat down next to minho, when a few moments passed, the older asked the same question again "so what are you doing here instead of class?", "Im skipping, isn't it obvious?" Jisung sarcastically replied.

Minho rolled his eyes then added "yeah, i figured that much, but why though", "well.. i came to apologize" the younger said, which left the latter confused, "why would you apologize? You did nothing wrong", "i just- I don't know, i get you in trouble.." han sincerely informed.

"He was the one who bruised your cheek, and you get to be the one causing trouble? How stupid can that be" han didn't reply, considering what was just said by the latter, who kept going on "more importantly, were you avoiding me because of him? Was he bullying you all this time?" , "N-no.." the younger denied, trying not to cause any further problems, "jisung, i need sincere answers, please don't lie to me anymore, it only makes things worse".

After thinking it through, jisung started "you remember that day i mentioned my experience getting bullied in middle school?" Minho nodded, "well, Daehyun was one of the bullies i had to deal with the most.. i dont know how he still remembers me, but apparently he does. The day after he transferred was when he first approached me, a week ago.. he started beating me when i wouldn't be around anyone, like in the toilets or behind the school at lunch time.. i figured it would be too much of a burden to you and the others so i kept quiet about it... He would usually hit me in coverable parts like my stomach or my arms.. but today he opted for the face so i guess it was a bit harder to cover it hahah.."

When han slowly turned to look at minho's reaction, he could clearly see him frowning, "i should've killed him right then and there" was the only thing he said to break the painful silence.

"So you've been getting bullied for a whole week? That fucker.." minho growled, "but I'm fine, i promise! Everything's good!!" Han assured wich didn't seem to convince minho in the slightest, "..i couldn't do anything about it.. this is really frustrating", "but you did! You beat the shit out of him, even more than he ever did to me! But you'll get into trouble for that-" han got interrupted by minho's sudden question "do you feel pain anywhere?", "Uh.. just some little parts, they'll heal fast-" and again "what about your face? Does it hurt?", The mention of his face reminded jisung about the previous event, creating a tint of red all across it,"Um- not at all".

Without warning, minho pressed, not too hardly on han's cheek with his index finger, proving the other wrong, since he immediately jumped up as he hissed at the pain.

"You lie too much", minho scolded, causing the other to giggle then apologize, "you apologize too much as well", minho added, that left jisung frozen in place as he didn't know what to do except for apologizing about the fact that he apologized too much, but he obviously couldn't do that.

Minho laughed at his reaction, as if he could see right through his thaughts, leading to a pouty jisung, "what should i do then, huh?" He annoyingly asked, to wich minho responded "just tell me the truth from the beginning next time, you can't trust me that much?", "It's not like that.. i just don't like causing scenes" the younger one answered.

"You can only cause scenes by lying to me.. sungie, promise me you'll be sincere from now on."

"..ok i guess, and since when do you call me sungie-"

"Since now? And promise me properly, Give me your pinky"

"Pffft- what are you? A five years old?"

"Shut up and just do it!"

"Fine, here."

they interwined their pinky fingers together, smiling at their childish behaviour, wich both knew meant a lot despite that fact.

"I promise hyung"

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