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Author's pov:

Harshly thrown against the toilet wall, jisung winced, trying to contain the pain he felt on the back of his head when it hit the wall, as he slid down a bit, Daehyun roughly pulled him back up by his collar, smirking as he did, "it's been ages hasn't it? since i beat the crap out of you, huh? chubby face ", jisung shivered at the nickname, it has brought to him so many bad memories of his childhood, "l-let me go...please.." the brown haired mumbled under his nose, wich apparently only made the latter feel even angrier, since jisung could feel a merciless punch land on his left cheek.

at this point han was more concerned about the fact that a bruise would obviously appear on his face, that way, minho would find out that he's being bullied, it started the day right after daehyun appeared, so now it's been a week, jisung cant't let him know , he doesn't want to bother the older since he had done a lot for him already.

"you fucking get on my nerves" the black haired said, having disgust splattered all over his face, jisung responded with the last peace of confidence he had "why do you hate me.. i-i've never done anything-Agh!" the other pulled on han's hair as he started talking "it's cuz you're weird as fuck, a worthless fucking faggot, that's what you are, a bitch".

"you got a problem with it? i'm gay too, why don't you try to bully me as well?" a guy appeared, apparently from one of the cubicles, jisung couldn't quite see how he looked like because he was held back by his hair, "and who the fuck are you?" daehyun pointed out, clearly annoyed, "not your business" the guy punched the other causing him to let go of jisung.

all jisung could do is watch the scene in front of him. the guy who helped him looked furious, quite muscular too, glaring through the others soul as he was holding him from his collar, "either you leave right this moment or i beat your ass till you pass out" he implied, with a dead serious tone.

considering their difference in strength, Daehyun rushed out of the bathroom, only leaving the two inside, "you ok?" the mysterious guy asked, it was replied by a nod and a tiny 'yes' from jisung, "my name is changbin, what's yours?" he smiled, causing all the intimidating image jisung built up around him splatter to peaces, now he seemed rather sweet and caring than anything else, "i...my name is jisung, uh t-thank you for helping me".

"oh god, look at your face, did he do that? you need to get treated the sooner possible", he implied helping the smaller to get up, "NO, n-no... i mean i'm really fine, but thank you again for helping me anyway, how come i've.. never seen you before?" jisung curiously asked, wiping the dirt off his clothes, "well, maybe you'll see me in a bad way, but i got into a fight, so i had to change schools", "i don't think you're a bad person since you helped me just now, so i guess it wasn't your fault", jisung added, "you can say that.. enough about me, let's get out of here".


A few moments later:

It was still lunch time, so han and changbin were walking to the cafeteria, wich jisung protested to but changbin insisted, while still on the hallway, they came across the person he wanted to be noticed by the least, of course it was minho.

He decided to play it off and just pass by while putting his hand on his bruised cheek, but what he didn't know is the possibility of changbin and minho to be friends.

"Oh- minho?" Changbin tried to make sure it was really his friend, "changbin? What are you doing here? And jisung..?", Han felt shivers all over his body, still covering his cheek, wich apparently would seem suspicious to anyone, "i just transferred schools, and also met jisung , i didn't know you studied in here, what a coincidence!".

"Yeah, it's been a while.." he said while still staring at jisung's covered cheek, he added "hey changbin, i know you just met and all, but can i borrow jisung for a sec?", At that point he already held jisung's free hand wich only left changbin to approve.

The short guy only stood there speechless, looking at jisung being dragged to who knows where, he didn't even know the two knew each other, but it seems it was more than just that.


The two were now standing behind the school, there were rarely any people there so they were the only ones, han just stood dumbfounded not giving the other even a glance, but he waited for him to start instead.

"Jisung".minho's tone sent shivers all over han's body once again, not removing his hand from his cheek, "why are you avoiding me?" This time his voice seemed a bit weaker, "did i do something bad?" His voice cracked, which made jisung respond immediately "no! You didn't do anything.. it was all my fault, im sorry.." , "ji, please tell me whatever is happening, i know something's wrong, and...what's with your hand?" Minho tried to remove han's hand from his face but the younger took a step back.

"What are you hiding?" He asked, "n-nothing" jisung stuttered, wich didn't help with minho's suspicions, "jisung, remove your hand" he sternly demanded this time, as the latter didn't have a choice at that point, he slowly pulled his hand away from his cheek, exposing the big bruise he got earlier from the punch.

"Who did that" minho sounded calm but as if he was about to kill somebody at the same time, "n-no it was no one, i just happened to slip on the stairs this morning-" jisung tried to lie but soon got interrupted by the latter," do you think I'll buy that? Just tell me, ill find out anyway".

Jisung whispered something minho couldn't quite distinguish," what?" The older asked, "..d-daehyun, but hyung-" minho was already heading inside, while han tried to stop him,"hyung! Please don't do anything, you'll get into trouble...HYUNG!!".

Minho finally stopped when han held him back by holding on the tip of his shirt, he turned around so he was facing the younger, cupped his face, gently so he wouldn't hurt him, got a bit closer and softly said in a tone close to a whisper "no one is allowed to hurt that beautiful face of yours, so I'll be the one to protect it" and as if that wasn't enough to make jisung's heart race, minho placed a quick peck on the tip of his nose then took his way back to the cafeteria, where he assumed Daehyun was.

Jisung just stood there, still processing what the hell had just happened seconds ago, blushing hard, as his body lost the will to move, his heart was the opposite though, he felt as if it would jump right out of his body considering how fast it was beating.


1202 words

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