Chapter 10

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                                 Felix's POV
I laid down. I started watching Katrina. I moved hair out of her face. I kissed her forehead. I shut my eyes. I heard crying and woke up. I opened my eyes and saw Katrina was sitting up. I sat up.

"What's wrong?"

She crawled into my lap. She curled up into a ball.

"Hey what happened?"

"He hurt me!"

"Huh? Who?"

I started rubbing her back.

"You're okay. It's okay."

I grabbed her blanket and wrapped it around her.

"You're okay. You're safe."

I started rocking her.

"It's okay."

She sat up. I started wiping tears away.

"You're okay. Talk to me. What was the nightmare about?"

She covered her face with her hands.

"Relax. I've got you."

Mariposa opened the door.

"Is she alright?"

"I'm not sure. She won't tell me."

Mariposa walked in and sat down next to me on the bed.

"Kat? What happened? Who hurt you?"

"I can't tell you."

"Why not?"

"He'll hurt me more."

I cupped her face.

"Tell me who hurt you."

She started shaking.

"I need to know. I want to make sure, they don't hurt you again."

She shook her head.

"Katrina I have to know."


My eyes widened.

"My sister's friend?!"

My blood started boiling.

"Tell me what he did to you."

"I can't." She said as her voice cracked.

"Princess please. I'm begging you."

"He made me take my clothes off. He started touching me."


"A-am I in trouble?"

"No no. God no. You didn't do anything. He did something to you."

"You can't say anything!"

"Sweetie...I have to. I have to, make sure he doesn't do this to anyone else."

"You're just gonna hit him!"

"No-no I won't. I promise, I won't hit him."

She started hugging me. I just looked at Mariposa. I started rubbing Katrina's back.

"Listen to me. Tomorrow, we are going to go to the zoo. After that, we are going to go talk to the police. You can tell them, what happened."

"Daddy? I'm scared!"

"I know. I know. I was too when I lived with my parents. I'm scared to say what happened. But, you have me so, I'll protect you."

She curled up into a ball again.

"Go back to sleep."

I picked up one of her new stuffed animals. I handed it to her. She started hugging it tight.

"Is that the first time, she's told you about that?"


"You're scared to talk about your parents?"

"Yeah. It's the same reason, she's scared."

I wrapped the blanket around her more.

"You're a great dad."

"I-I'm trying."

Mariposa put her head on my shoulder. She kissed my neck.



"I'm going to try to go back to sleep. You should join me tomorrow."

I gulped.

"Yeah. Ok-okay."

She kissed me then stood up. She started walking away. I put Katrina next to me. I ran up to Mariposa. I spun her around. I started kissing her.

What am I doing?

My daughter is right behind us.

Why can't I stop?!

I backed her up against the wall. I felt her smile.




"Oh come on. You can't just tease me like that and walk away."

She bit her lip.

"Yes I can."

"Evil. That's what you are."

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