Chapter 9

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                                Felix's POV
"Skyler move."

"There's more to this...we apparently have two sisters."

"Is that who she was with?"

"What does that mean?"

"We went to the aquarium. Trina saw them."

"Oh shit."

"Yeah. "Oh shit." is right."

I started storming away.

"Wait! Felix!"

I ran inside and up the stairs. I grabbed two duffle bags. I went to Katrina's room and started throwing stuff in.

"Lix come on. Talk to her."

I ignored Skyler. I grabbed one of Katrina's blankets. I folded it then put it in the bag. Skyler grabbed the bag.

"I'm not losing her again! She can do whatever she wants to me! I don't care! The one thing she CAN'T do is, make me lose my little girl again!"

I yanked the duffel bag away. I threw it on the bed. I zipped it. I picked it up. I ran to my room and started putting things in the empty duffel bag.


I looked over my shoulder. I saw my mom. I ignored her and went back to putting things into my duffel bag. When I felt I had enough in the bag, I zipped it up. I picked up both bags. I turned around. I started staring at my mom. She was blocking the doorway. I walked over to my window. I unlocked it. I opened it then threw the bags out of it.

"What the hell Lix?!"

"Don't follow me again."

I climbed out the window. I used my elbow to close it. I jumped down then grabbed the bags. I ran to my car. I knocked on the windows. Mariposa unlocked it. I opened the trunk. I threw the bags in. I closed the trunk then jumped into the car.

"Felix what's going on?"

"My mom is fuckin following us."

I drove us to Mariposa's house. I grabbed all of the bags. Mariposa unlocked the front door. We walked inside. I handed a duffel bag to Katrina. She dropped it and started hugging me while crying. I sat down on the floor. She fell to her knees.

"It's okay."

"I don't wanna get sent away!"

I cupped her face.

"You're not. You're okay. I promise, you're okay. You're not going anywhere. We both know, the
kind of person she is."

"She's gonna get me!"

"Hey no. I won't let her."

"What if she does?!"

"I will find you. Listen to me. What's lost, can be found. I will find you. I won't stop until, I do. I'm so sorry, you're in the middle of all of this. This is an adult issue. You're too young for this."

I started wiping tears away. She started coughing into her arm.

"Relax. You're safe. It's okay. You know, I'd do anything for you right?"


"Then you should know that, I'm still alive because, I have you right?"

She nodded. I pressed our foreheads together. She started crying more.


                            Mariposa's POV
He started hugging her. He just looked up at me.

He looks so broken.

Me and Destiny sat down next to them.

"Hey uh. If it's okay with you Felix, we could go to the actual zoo tomorrow."

"Yeah. That works. Do you want to do that Kat?"

She shrugged. After she calmed down a bit, we ordered food for dinner. We got ready for bed and I went into the guest room. Katrina was sleeping.

"How is she?"

"She might have a nightmare or two tonight. She hopefully'll be better in the morning. Hey uh...thank you for today. I'm sorry, I included the girls."

"It's fine. I enjoyed it."

"You did?"

"Yeah. I'll see you in the morning. Goodnight."

I kissed him.


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