Chapter 8

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It was heartwarming seeing the two boys on the ground, hugging each other crying, whispering sweet things to each other. Eraserhead clears his throat and the attention goes away from the boys, to the man in the doorway. "Soo... I guess my work here is done and I should take my leave-" Eraserhead was interrupted by Ma Yuri. "Please, stay for the night, it's really late and getting cold, please come in, I'm sure Izuku would appreciate it too." "I guess I could, my night shift is over and it's freezing at night. You should give Izuku a warm bath, the poor kid ran who knows long and all that barefoot." He answered, now concerned about the small boy, that was still on the ground with Teivel, twitching and quiet sounds of small verbal tics, visibly exhausted.

Mom Sakura quickly went too the boys and picked them up, Izuku looking slightly paler then before and shivering now, with heavy eyelids,  that didn't seem to stay open for long. Teivel was also tired, from being worried about his best friend and staying up for so long.
She carried them both upstairs into the bathroom and sat them on the floor, while she started preparing a warm bath for the both of them.

While Mom Sakura was preparing the bath for the two, Teivel nudged Izuku, who turned his head to look at his best friend, tired and questioning. "I was so worried, that you woudn't come back to me" said Teivel hugging Izuku tightly. "I whistle would never just leave. I will "yip" always come back to you. You are my best friend!" Izuku stated reassuringly comforting Teivel.

"Boys, the bath is ready, do you want after another or together?" Asked Mom Sakura, breaking the little moment the boys had. "TOGETHER!!" the boys shouted excitingly, in sync. And so both of them got undressed and hopped into the warm water waiting for the both of them. Izuku sighed deeply, as this was also his first bath in a while and sank deeper into the soothing water, practically melting. "Hey Izuku?" Teivel started to ask a question as he saw the concerning amount of scars littering his best friends' body. "Yea?" answered a clueless Izuku, turning to said friend. "Why do you have so many scars?" "Uh-... I-.. twitching and whistling" Izuku began but got cut off by himself ticking. "I-.. I'd rather not ta- whistle talk about it..." he finally stuttered out and curling up a bit more. "It's okay! You don't have to tell me now. Maybe another time" Teivel hurried to assure his best friend, that he wouldn't pressure him to talk.

They both remained silent then for sometime, enjoying the comfortable silence and the warm water with bubbly foam in it, gracing their small bodies. After some time Izuku felt two small hands on his wet hair and some semi cold thick liquid dripping on his head. Immediately he felt the hands starting to move in circling motions on his hair, scrubbing it and massaging his head. He closed his eyes and just enjoyed Teivel washing his hair in silence and smiled. After washing out the shampoo, conditioner followed and his curly green hair started getting softer and softer each second. At this point Izuku was practically purring at the pleasure, given to him by Teivel massaging his head and washing his hair.

After Izuku's head was done, they switched and now Izuku was washing Teivel's black hair. He enjoyed running his finger through the silky strands of Teivels hair and massaging the others' head. All in all, both boys enjoyed each others company and being so close with each other.

After a good half an hour both of them were done and stood wrapped up in fluffy towels drying out. Mom Sakura came in again and brought both Izuku and Teivel a set of clothes to change into. After Mom Sakura left the bathroom again, they both quickly slipped into the warm fuzzy pyjama they were given. They quickly went into Teivels room and slipped together in Teivels bed, snuggling close to each other. Smiling they both fell asleep in each others arms with Izuku finally having a good night's sleep. The first he had since almost 4 years.


Hello peeps!
I'm sorry I AGAIN didn't update in a while. As previously said, I'm currently dealing with very much stress due to school and now upcoming exams and very bad mental health. I hope you can understand and are a bit patient with me.
Have a good morning, day or night!

Word count: 769

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