Chapter 6

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Izuku was still laying in Teivels arms crying with small sobs and twitches, while Teivels Mother's sat next to them watching them with small smiles on their lips and a loving gaze in their eyes.

After about 10 minutes Izuku finally calmed down to the point he sat there hugging Teivel like his life depended on it an twitches occurring here and there with small whistling noises to be heard. "Are you okay now Izu?" Teivel asked Izuku slightly lifting up his head and wiping away the last tears with his thumb. "Y-yeah... I whistle think so..." He answered with a slightly shaking voice. "Th-thank you m-mom Sakura..." Izu said turning to face Teivels mothers. "It's okay Izuku dear." She said crawling to him and hugging the boys, with Ma Yuri following shortly after.
And so they sat there.
In Teivels room on the floor, huddled up hugging each other.

After further 10 minutes they broke the hug. "Okay, lunch is ready, come down to eat." Ma Yuri stated breaking the silence. "Okay, we'll come down in a minute." Teivel said, as his mothers went downstairs to set up the table. "Come Izu, we have to go eat!" Teivel said, getting up and pulling Izuku up to him, which was surprisingly easy, as Izuku is underweight due to Inko's starvation and so not very tall
(Teivel is 3'5ft (4½yrs old) and Izuku is 3'8ft(7yrs old)). "Uh- ... okay.." Izuku said getting up with Teivels help. Teivel smiled at Izuku and pulled him with him, out of his room and down the stairs into the dinning room.

"We're here Ma!" Teivel said as they entered. "That's good, come sit down. I made Katsudon." She said smiling. Teivel and Mom Sakura went to sit down, as Izuku was still standing shyly in the doorway, twitching and nervously fiddling with his shirt hem, whistling. "Why are you still standing there Izuku? Come sit down!" Teivel said slightly confused, smiling while patting on the chair next to him. Izuku hesitated, then slowly walked to the table and slowly sat down next to Teivel, a bowl of Katsudon in front of him.
When everyone sat, Teivel and his mothers closed their eyes and folded their hands and started chanting a short prayer, as that is how it's common in the japanese tradition. Izuku watched them and then looked back down at his food, when the finished their prayer and started to dig into their own bowl. Izuku was torn: Inko never really let him eat, so he was torn, whether he could eat without getting punished or not. Teivel noticed Izukus nervous shaking and tics while starring at his bowl. "Why aren't you eating Izu? Do you not like Katsudon?" He asked him. "N-no it- it's just whistle that... m-my mother... doesn't really fucking whore allow me to eat and..." His voice lost itself in slight mumbles. "...What?..." The Yamamoto family was shocked. 'He's not allowed to eat?!' "Izuku? When was the last time you ate?" Mom Sakura said in a stern but calm voice. "Uh-... like- head twitches and click sounds m-maybe... 2½ weeks ago?..." This stunned the small family. '2½ WEEKS?!' "Izuku! You have to eat! That's not healthy!! What did that woman do to you?!" Ma Yuri said out loud, what the others thought. "It- it's okay-" Izuku started but was cut off. "No Izu! It's not okay! That is neglect and abuse Izu! What your mom is doing to you is wrong!" Teivel said turning towards him. Izuku slightly flinched and got down from the chair, running out of the room. "Izu!" Teivel called out and ran after him. He looked around the kitchen and the bathroom, then his room but didn't find him. Then he went into the living room and the small connected corridor, where there shoes and stuff are, to find the front door wide open. "Oh no.." He thought as he ran back to the dining room.


Aaaaand cut!

Hello my fellow readers! I'm sorry I've been away for so long! At the moment I'm dealing with problems at home and very much stress. I don't have much energy or motivation to write a new chapter, but I was like 'I have to publish a new chapter'. That being said, I hope you enjoy the story so far and like reading it. See you on the next chapter!

Bye bye!

Word count: 752

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