Chapter 2

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Third pov.
(Izuku is 7)

Izuku is finally let out of the house (he was send away for the day as Inko has friends over and doesn't wanna be disturbed) after 3 years being at home locked up getting daily beatings. He looks down the street and can't get his luck. He feels itching in his feet as if he wanted to run, with his right
hand slightly twitching. Instantly he starts running and doesn't stop until he reaches panting the old park where he and Kacchan used to play. He sees a few children playing on the playground on the climbing frame and the play house. He sits on a nearby bench, wiggling frankly his legs and playing with his fingers and his now a bit longer then shoulder length hair. He watched the other children play and than stands up and goes to the gymnastic-play-bars (the bars with usually three different heights) he jumps up to the highest one and hangs himself upside down on it like a bat. He continues watching the kids for another minute until he got bored again and swings himself up and sits high up on the bar.

He remembered one of those gymnast series on tv and the bar tricks. He flips one leg down on the back and holds himself up with hands. Quickly he proceeds to lean forward and making a roll on the bar. He continues doing this for more 3 minutes. Then he takes the other leg back too and does that forward roll again. After like all in all 25 minutes of gymnastics on the bar he gets down.

'I like gymnastics... I wanna do that more!' He thinks. He walks to the sand box and sits on the rim next to a little boy building a small hill of sand. He watches the boy and smiles. Suddenly he has the urge to punch into the hill and destroy it. He tries to resist it but can't and punches the hill away. The little boy got frightened and flinched (The boy is like 4). He looks sad and confused up to Izuku, who is shocked about his own actions staring at his hand. "W-why did you do that?" asks the little boy on the rim of crying. "I-I'm so sorry!" Izuku stutters out, "I-i don't know what came over me! It's like I had no control of it! I'm so so sorry!". "Hm... it's okay if you had no control of it..." answers the boy with a small sad smile beginning to rebuild the hill. "I-i help you" says Izuku sitting himself next to the boy putting sand on the small hill.

His head twitches fast sideways and he clicks his tongue one time. "W-what was that?" He asks himself. "I don't know... maybe just coincidence!" The little boy says. "Yeah.. maybe you're right..." Izuku answers.

~Timeskip brought to you by: my nonexistent ideas~

"Soo, what's you're name?" Izuku asks the boy he build a really nice sandcastle with. "I'm Teivel, and who are you?" "I'm Izuku.." Izukus twitches again, he makes the click noise and whistles shortly. "Woah, that can't be coincidence!" Izuku says concerned about his actions. "hm.. yeah you're right..." Teivel answerd.
"It's the best if I will search up these symptoms and see what it could be..." "okay!" answers Teivel. "Do you maybe wanna be friends Izuku?" "Yeah sure." "Yay!" "Wanna play a little more Teivel?" "YES! TAG YOU'RE IT!"

~30 minutes later~
They are on a little green area in the park sitting there looking at the beautiful flowers as a bumblebee lands on one of them:

Izukus head twitches again "Bumblebee!"... "strange... another impulse I couldn't control..." Izuku says. "Okay this gets concerning..." Teivel answers. "You should get this checked..." "yeah I will see, what I can do..." 'It's not like Ma'am will go with me...' "wanna see if we can find berry's in the bushes over there?" Teivel asks. "Sure" They go over there and start searching. They find a quiet amount of raspberries and out them on a leaf on a rock where they wanna eat them.

~5 minutes later~
The ate all except 3:

Izuku looks at the remaining berries and before you could blink he squashed them under his hand as he slapped onto of them. "Oops... sorry..." "It's okay Izu, you can't control it as it seems..." Teivel says as he looks at his older friend in compassion. "Thank you Tei... you are the best friend I could ever ask for." Izuku says tears pricking his eyes. " "Ofcourse! I will always help you!"

Word count: 766

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