Chapter 4

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'3-4 YEARS?!'
"Izuku I need you to tell me more please, okay?"
"O-oh whistle and head twitching o-okay..."

~after 10 more minutes of Izuku explaining his situation, him having loads of tics and the doctor having eyes bigger than pizza plates~

'Okay, okay- I need to figure something out...'
"Okay Izuku you need to listen to me closely."
"You will not tell your mom about this conversation and I will get help okay?
You will need to go with her again and we will help you as soon as possible.
You will need to hold through it okay?"
"Y-yes I will whistle "Fuck you" try..."
"Okay, we will go back now and continue with the day as if nothing happened."

~they went back and are now waiting for the results~

Dr. Hollen got the results on his tablet and sits in front of Izuku and Inko.
"Okay so we got the results-"
Inko interrupts him: "And? What is wrong with my 'baby'?"
Dr. Hollen is already annoyed, but doesn't show it: "As I was saying, we got the results and it seems like my worries were confirmed. He has Tourette syndrome."
"What- what is tongue clicks once is that?" Izuku asks.
"It's neurological mental illness where you have these tics, verbally and physically. You can't do much about it, it's something you can't control. It's a flaw in your brain. It's not your fault Izuku okay?"
"O-o-o-okay..." Izuku stutters. Inko asks: "And what can we do about it?"
"Like I said, there is not much you can do. We could give him medicine, but I wouldn't recommend it, as it has too many unwanted side effects that could go horribly wrong with his body. In the worst case he could get paralysed and will never be able to walk or do anything ever again.
Inko innerly scoffs, but looks fake worried on the outside. "Oh no- my poor baby..."
Izuku looks at her disgusted gags and whistles
"It would be best of we did nothing about it, or else it would get worse." says doctor Hollen.

"Okay, 'thank you' Dr." says Inko in a slightly sarcastic tone, while she takes Izuku roughly on his thin wrist and pulls him with her towards the door. "Please go to the receptionist and let you hand the official diagnosis papers." Dr. Hollen tells them before they leave the room. "Yes will do, thank you" says an unfazed Inko. They pick up the diagnosis papers and get back home.

(all the time while nothing really happens or they don't talk Izuku has alot of tics, I just don't write them out as I'm lazy)

Back home Inko shoves the papers in Izukus hands: "This is your problem now, so put them in your room or something and don't show up until I say so!" she says while slapping Izuku in the face. "Y-y-y-y-yes ma'am" Izuku says trying not to rip up the important documents. "And if I hear you having these weird ass tics in my house, you will get punished. DO YOU UNDERSTAND?!" She shouts into his face kicking him in the guts. Izuku falls to the ground and grunts in pain, knowing if he screamed the beating would be worse. Inko went into the living room and started watching TV, as Izuku gets up and limbs up to his room where he put the documents into his drawer to his few clothes and his plushies.

~Time skip to the weekend when Izuku is let out again due to Inko having friends over~

Izuku again went to the playground, hoping that Teivel would be there again.

Oooookaaayyyyyy! Hello my fellow weebs, sorry that the chapter is so short, I just wanted to finish it, but I try to make it longer the next time. Bare with me. Bye bye my lost souls! 

Word count: 626

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