Chapter 23: Our Never Before Ever After

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"Okay, here's the head and if you see the other side, it's really tiny as we're just twelve weeks in but you can see for yourself..." She says and Keith gets closer as he focuses on the monitor screen.

"Okay, incase it's hard to notice, it's a sweet little baby girl." she says and I immediately look at Keith, surprised. He jumps off his seat and hugs me tight.

"Careful, you'll get that slimy thing on you." The doctor says and Keith doesn't bother but continues to hug me.

"A girl!?" I confirm again as I wipe a tear that falls on my cheek, smiling big.

"Yes, you all are having a baby girl." she confirms again and I smile, hugging Keith back. He gently pulls away, kissing me. I kiss him back and he helps me up after the nurse cleans me.

After we leave the hospital, I get really hungry so Keith takes me out for lunch to celebrate our baby's gender between us for now as planned. We had told his mom and Ted that we were going on a date and so they believed us. I ordered a burger and fries as Keith orders the same. We eat our lunch and talk about the baby and things to buy for the home. We decided to tell everyone about the baby once we settle in our new home.

"I am so happy Stace, a girl!" he says again, unable to believe it. I look at him and feeding him a fry.

"I know right? I am so happy have no idea. I mean, I didn't care if we had a boy or a girl but I preferred a girl for the first time. Gosh, we have so much shopping to excited!" I say and Keith nods his head immediately, smiling.

"Oh, I love you baby... thank you for everything mama!" he says and I blush instantly.

"I love you too 'daddy'"

It had been a few days and we had moved into the new home. The home was beautiful. There were two bedrooms upstairs and one-bedroom downstairs, along with 3 bathrooms, two downstairs. There wasn't much furniture but the bed and other stuff were getting shipped this evening. Keith made sure there were a few comfortable chairs for now. I look around and the house was beautiful. It was near to the downtown area but not that close to the city side either. We had a little backyard and I was already gardening plants and vegetables. We plan to put a swing set for our child and probably future child as well. Tomorrow my mother and Emily were coming over for lunch. Adam and Sierra had worked out their problems so were also coming this week along with Logan, Rob, his boyfriend, and Jonas, yes Jonas. He was always our friend and we decided to move past our immaturity by forgiving him.

The furniture had finally come in and the people put it up for us as Keith helped them out. I helped by organizing the kitchen until then. Once we were all settled in, we ordered in some food and decided to have an early night.

The next morning, I woke up and made some coffee for Keith. I had decided to take an off from work today as I had to go to Home Depot and buy some stuff to make our home look presentable for the guests coming in tomorrow. Keith left for work and I read some articles. While I was reading, I'd realized we hadn't seriously thought about baby names. I liked the name Georgiana. I instantly texted Keith,

"How about Georgiana?"

"Are we talking baby names? then I love it but not more than 'Stacy Mathews'." he replies immediately.

"Hehe, I love you... can't wait to see you."

"I love you too baby...and Georgiana (Gigi)."

After I read for a while, I take the car and drive to Home Depot. Once I reach, I shop for a while and then have some milkshake at a cafe nearby. I finished my shopping and head out to the car. I then get a call and answer it.

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