Chapter 14: Match-maker

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Gloria walks in, smiling at me as she walks to the boys. She looks at Keith and blushes. Okay, she actually seems to be into Keith unlike other girls who try to steal taken men. Keith gives her a side hug and she sits next to him.

"Anyone for a beer?" Logan asks and Rob said he would like one. Gloria didn't want to have anything too strong so she asked for a soda. if she's so sweet and simple like she shows, why was she acting weird and mean-ish when I met her the first time then? Just girls being girls I guess then. Logan hands over a beer to Keith and Rob as I hand over a soda to Gloria. She thanks me and I smile at her. She seemed sweet.

"I finally get to meet the guy you've been telling me about Logan, thanks." she says to Logan and he smiles, taking me onto his lap.

"Well, everyone deserves someone special in their life. I have mine right here." he replies to her as he looks at me. I give him a peck on his cheek as I take a sip of my club soda.

"So, Gloria...Where do you live?" I ask, trying to make conversation. She pays attention to me and replies.

"Not far at all. Two miles from here?" she says and I nod. So, she lives nearby. Keith looks at me and smiles. He looks at Gloria and they talk for a while as Rob, Logan and I talk. After dinner, Keith goes with Gloria out to walk her to her car. Rob calls it a night and heads to the guest room. Logan and I go in and he decides to sleep as well. I wasn't tired yet so I decide to do the dishes and clean up as I wait for Keith. He walks in and I lock the door. He's standing close to me and I smile at him, keeping some distance. He realized it and moved a step back.

"Hey, need some help?" he offers and I nod a no.

"Thanks, I'm almost done. How was your first-time meeting Gloria?" I ask and he blushes.

"Taking her to lunch tomorrow." he says and I smile ear to ear, feeling happy for him.

"Got it, I hope y'all have a great time." I say and he nods, walking into the kitchen. He helps me keep the plates in the washer.

"Stace, I'm sorry I left the way I did. I just thought you and I needed some space. I guess now that I may probably start seeing Gloria and if things go well, I may join Georgia tech. I feel... we- you and I, are starting to be friends again and I like how it's going. And by the way, Rob got accepted into Emory with his boyfriend." he says and I nod.

"It'd be great to have friends around. I wish you and Gloria the best. And I'm so happy for Rob as well hehe." I reply and look at the clock.

"I should sleep, we're going for breakfast tomorrow morning at 8 ready. Goodnight then." I say and he says it back. I go in and get into Logan's arms as I doze off immediately.

The next morning, Rob was still asleep so we decided to get him something back from the diner. We went to a breakfast diner near us called Nancy's. Logan and I were going here often ever since he introduced it to me. It was just Keith, Logan and I. We ordered our breakfast and once we were done, we head back home as Rob was awake and hungry. The day went by with us just at home as Keith had to pick Gloria up at 12. He got ready and left. The guys decide to play some games and so I did some of my homework.


We left for Emory college as Rob wanted to see it. Once we reach there, we walk around. Logan holds my hand and smiles at me. Rob excuses himself for a moment to go inside the college as we wait outside. We suddenly notice Keith and Gloria. What were they doing here? They see us and smile as they walk to us.

"Hey, I thought you were going for lunch. What are you doing here?" I ask them and they look at each other.

"Well, I wanted to keep my options open. I am applying to Emory and Georgia Tech." Keith says. I look at Gloria and she smiles at us. She was sipping on some coffee and wore a dark red lipstick.

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