Chapter 13: Re-union

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It had been a while since Keith left Walestown and it was my turn to leave my old life behind as well. I had a day left before I leave for Atlanta and be with Logan. I was super excited to see him. Three whole months without him was really hard. I had decided to let go whatever was going on between Keith and me. Adam and Sierra call once a week and they've gotten a new apartment together. They do call it a 'flat' instead of an apartment in London.

I go do some shopping and buy myself some jackets for winter. I also get Logan a winter jacket. After some shopping, I head home and call it a night. The next morning, I wake up and head to the airport. The journey wasn't long, just around 2 hours. The tickets were quite expensive though. I read a book until we landed. Once I landed in Atlanta, I took my bags and went to the waiting section where I notice Logan. He saw me and our eyes locked on each other. I smiled and ran to him, jumping right into his arms. He picks me up, spinning me around and puts me down gently.

"My baby!!" he says and I giggle. Finally, I was in the arms of my boyfriend who I missed so much.

"Logan! I missed you!!" I say and he kisses me. I kiss him back.

"I missed you so much. Now that this distance is over, we never have to be apart." he says and takes my hand. We walk out of the airport after getting all my bags and head to the apartment. As we arrived, I saw that the apartment was lovely except for there wasn't much decor. I wasn't expecting it anyways knowing boys aren't much into all of that. I keep my bags in our bedroom for now and freshen up. After doing so, I walk out to the living room where Logan was sitting on the couch, waiting for me.

"So. Where do you want to go eat? I'm sure you're hungry." he says and I nod yes.

"Wherever you want to take me. I don't know much about Atlanta but I am craving some peach pie." I say and he smiles big.

"Good! I'm taking you to this place I go to for peach pie. It's the best fried peach pie ever and frosted orange drink! "he says and we leave for the varsity. After eating our pies and drinking our shakes, we go back home and I spend the rest of the evening unpacking. I decided to take Logan tomorrow with me to Home Depot as we needed some stuff for our apartment. My college starts in a week and I was excited to start my journey to becoming a doctor. My grandfather was a doctor and my uncle too.

As we come back home, we have some dinner and watch a show on the television. Logan pulls me into his arms and I snuggle into him. I feel him blush. His hand goes in my shorts and he starts to feel me.

"It's been so long." he says as I moan and nod at the same time. I hadn't felt Logan's touch for three whole months. I sit on his lap, straddling him. He starts kissing me and from there we go on to making really really hot, steaming, long awaited love. Once we were done, I was laying in Logan's arms, naked, breathing hard. He looked at me and smiled, kissing me.

"I love you Stacy."

"I love you Logan." I reply and we decide to sleep.

The next morning, I woke up and put some coffee on. After having some, I took some in the bedroom for Logan. He was asleep and so I went over to him as I planted a kiss on his cheek. He then groans and stretches. His eyes open and he looks at me, smiling. He looks at me coffee in my hand and takes it, mouthing a thank you. After he had his coffee, he had to get ready to go to his college. I decided that I'd go do some shopping as I'm new here. After Logan left, I started to get ready. He said he wouldn't be home until 4pm which was a long time as he had some practical work to do in his computer lab. I head to the mall and do some shopping, mostly window shopping. The mall here was huge. I had some Boba tea and decided to head to the library after I was done with the mall.

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