Chapter 3: The party

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When I returned home, I couldn't sleep. I kept thinking about why would Sia be at Keith's. He hated her because of the obvious reasons and Sia never got along with me either. I try to tell myself to trust Keith and let this one go. That's how it should be right? Trust. I finally get some sleep eventually.

The weekend arrives and I get ready for the party, heading downstairs. My mom and Emily were watching television as I wave them bye.

"Home by 12." My mom says while her eyes are glued to the screen as I nod and close the door behind me.

I head to the car where Sierra and Jonas are waiting for me. I get in the back and sit, waiting for them to take off.

"Where's Keith?" I ask and they look at each other. I still wait for their response. Sierra looks back at me and responds.

"He's already at the party. He hasn't texted you yet? We told him that you'll be riding with us." Sierra says and I nod a no, looking outside. He hasn't texted me for two days now. When I called him yesterday, he said that he was busy with basketball practice. I don't know how true that was but I let it go.

As we reach the party, I notice Keith, Logan and Rob chilling near the pool. They look at us and we walk up to them. Jonas heads off to get drinks for himself and Sierra. I look at Keith and he smiles at me. He has a bottle of beer in his hand. He's been drinking already. Logan looks at me and smiles. I smile back and he says he'll catch up with us later, giving Keith and I some privacy.

"Hey, how are you? Haven't seen you or spoken with you for two days." I say in a soft tone, starting the conversation.

"Hm, good. Been busy that's why. You?" He asks, sounding cold. His eyes weren't even on me.

"Good, I miss you." I say getting close to him but he reeks of alcohol which turns me off. He doesn't reply and kisses me on the lips, putting the bottle of beer around my waist. It didn't feel passionate. Instead it felt...lustful.

I stop and look at him. He still wasn't looking at me. Instead his eyes were all over the girls in the pool. I stood there with my hands folded. Logan walks up to us. He hands me a coke and has a glass of beer. He looks at me and understands that something was wrong. He looks at Keith and they both exchange a look.

"Dance with me...?" Logan asks me and I look at Keith. He didn't seem even a little bothered and so I went along with Logan. Thankfully a slow song was playing as I didn't like dancing to club or pop much. Logan puts his hands on my waist and mine are on his shoulders.

"Don't worry, it will all be okay. I didn't want you to feel more hurt hence I asked you to dance." he says and I let out a small smile.

"Thanks, I guess I needed it. Did he say anything as to why he's been acting so... strange?"

"Nah, he hasn't. In fact, we haven't spoken since that night." he replies and twirls me around.

After a dance or two, Logan joins the boys and I sit on the pool side bench, looking at the crowd. Sia and her pawns are talking to the guys. Jonas plays with Sierra's hair. I wonder where Keith disappeared. He's nowhere to be seen and so I start looking for him. Just when I reach the guys the worst thing happens.

Sia looks at me and before I could prevent it from happening she drops her beer all over my dress. I gasp in shock and my mouth stays that way for a few seconds until I realized what just happened. Everyone starts laughing except for my friends. Sierra immediately pushes away Sia and rushes to me.

"Are you okay? Oh my God. I'm going to kill this bitch but first let's get you cleaned up." She says taking my hand walking me towards the washroom upstairs. Gosh, why does she hate me so much? Of course, I know why, because she wants to sleep with my boyfriend since the 8th grade. Ugh, sick.

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