Chapter 6: Time off

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A week had gone by and this was the part I was dreading, my half-brother joining the same school that I go to. Logan was waiting outside for me as we started to go to school together. He has a game coming up and I'm going to see him play. I leave the house and head to the car.

"Hey baby!" Logan says and I blush as I kiss him.

"Hey, babe! Let's go?" I ask and he nods to my question as we head to the school. Once we reach, we catch up with our friends and go to our respective classes. Keith, Sierra and I had the same first class of economics. Logan wasn't much jealous anymore as I'd asked him to trust me and that Keith wouldn't try to ever hit on me, which was true.

"Hey, what's up?" Keith asks me. He's sitting on the seat beside me and Sierra sat right in front of me.

"Hey." I keep it short and pretend to pay attention to the teacher. I didn't want any complications in my relationship with Logan. I could feel Keith stare at me. He looks confused.

After class, he walked toward me before I could walk out of the classroom.

"Hey, wait, Stace!" I heard him and stopped without turning around as he comes in front of me.


"Is everything okay? We cool?" He asks, concerned.

"Yeah Keith, all cool." I reply, looking down and not at him which makes it obvious that I'm lying.

"I don't buy it ok-" he says and I cut him off.

"Look Keith, you're my friend and my ex so... it's a little weird for us to be close or be friend-ly as I have a boyfriend now who wouldn't appreciate this." I say, being honest.

"Yeah, I get it but you and me Stace... we can't not be friends okay. But at the same time, I understand though." he says, nodding.

"Thanks Keith."

"Hey, don't be a stranger though." he says and walks away. I smile and walk out.

As I walk out, I notice Logan standing there with a coffee. He hugs Keith and then looks at me.

"Hello my lady, this is for you." he hands me the coffee and I blush.

"Thanks Logan. That's... sweet." I say and he kisses me.

"I saw you talking to Keith. All cool?" he asks and I looked at him immediately.

"Yeah, all cool. Just the basics you know, how are you and all." I reply and he nods. He seemed worried. We walk to Logan's car after all our classes and decide to hang out for a while with our friends.

After a few hours, Logan drops me home and I ask him to come in for a while. We spend some time together by watching a movie and cuddling. Before he left, he asked,

"Do I... need to be worried about you and Keith? This whole friendship thing..." he asks and I put my hands around his neck as he holds my waist, looking into my eyes.

"Oh, no no. Keith and I aren't even friends actually, it's just that he's my best friend's brother. You have nothing to worry about." I assure him and he smiles.

"Okay then, goodnight baby." he says and I wave him bye as he walks to his car and drives off.

After a few minutes of me going upstairs and doing my homework, the doorbell rings. Did Logan forget something? I head downstairs and open the door, it was Keith. It was pouring and so he was completely drenched. He didn't have a rain jacket or anything on to keep him dry.

"Keith, what are you doing here?" I ask and he runs his fingers through his hair.

"I was on my way home after practice and the rains were getting worse so I had to stop somewhere until it calmed down enough for me to ride back home. Can I come in for a bit?"

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