Chapter 9: Night changes

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As I watched Jonas pull the trigger at Keith, Rob pushed Keith out of the way and took the bullet right into him. Everything was suddenly slow motion as I ran toward Rob. Keith was on the floor looking at the whole situation in shock. Jonas realized what he had done as he dropped the gun and rushed toward Rob. He knelt on the floor, holding Rob.

"I'm so sorry man. I don't know what came into me. I was so frustrated about Sierra and Keith being mad at me that I lost control. I was drunk when he came over here and I lost it. I'm really sorry." Jonas tells Rob who's losing a lot of blood but yet nods. He looks at Keith to see if he was okay and passes out.

"No, no, stay with me bro. Please Rob!" Keith says, rushing toward us. He looks at Jonas in disbelief but ignored what just happened as getting Rob help was the priority. I call the ambulance and they arrive within a few minutes. They take Rob and the police arrest Jonas. I stand there with Keith and he looks at me. He could've been shot. I notice Logan's car pulling into the lane and I run to him. He gets out of the car and hugs me tight as he realizes I was petrified after what happened. We walk toward Keith.

"He took a bullet for me...." Keith whispered and tears filled his eyes. I hug him as he needed it and Logan understood why. Keith holds me tight and cries. This is the first time I've seen him sob like this. He was so scared. Logan hugs him as well from the side. I pull away and look at him. He looked so sad and scared. Logan goes to start the car.

"Why did you hug me?" Keith asked and I looked at him, looking down.

"Because you needed it..."

We rush to the hospital and call Rob's boyfriend plus his parents to tell them what had happened and they said they'd be there soon. As we arrived, they had taken Rob to the operation theatre. We sit in the waiting room. His parents arrive and they were crying too. Keith was just sitting there, still in shock. Logan went to get us some coffee and so I sat with Rob's parents to comfort them. Even though Jonas did a wrong thing, knowing he didn't mean it makes me feel bad that he's been locked up.

The parents decided to stay the night in the hospital along with Rob's boyfriend and would tell us if there would be any news. We decided to stay the night at Sierra's and Keith's. I held Logan's hand and smile at him. He smiles at me and kisses my forehead. I am glad that he's letting us be there for Keith and Sierra. Our final exams were starting in a week and so we needed to prepare for it. Logan and I have decided to study together as he was not doing well in Math. Keith and Sierra would be joining us at times at well.

As we headed to their place, every one of us were so exhausted that we barely wasted any time and went to bed immediately. The next morning, I wake up next to Logan who's spooning me and snoring at the same time. I smile and remove his hand gently off me as I head downstairs to check on Sierra. To my surprise, I found Keith in the kitchen making breakfast.

"Morning." he says, looking at the cooking pan.

"Hey, morning. Never took you for a guy who cooks breakfast and all." I say, joking. He smiles and nods his head.

"There's some orange juice in the fridge, help yourself with some if you want some." he says and I do so.

"How are you feeling after... you know...?"

"Better honestly. I'm just glad Rob is alive. I heard he's out of the ICU and resting. We can go see him in a bit." he replies and I smile knowing our friend is fine.

"Wow, gosh that is good."

Logan was still asleep. He didn't really sleep early last night as he decided to study a little before bed. Sierra had some stuff to take care of and so she couldn't come with us to the hospital. Keith and I decided to go. We walked toward his motorcycle which I hadn't been on since we broke up. I held him and we took off.

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