Chapter 22: Let's hope for the best

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I finally heard back from Theresa and she'd asked me to call her. I immediately call her up.

"Theresa...hey." I say and wait for her response.

"Hey hon, so let me tell you. I'll keep it short as I know it's late and my kids are currently driving me up the wall." she says in a fast and busy tone.

"Yeah, sure Theresa, go on. I hope it's good news..." I say, nervously as I let out a little laugh.

"So... I spoke with Alice and... she wants to meet with you on Wednesday before you join the office in Chicago. I convinced her only because I've gone through your work while you were away and I see so much in you that she wants.... Are you happy?" she asks and I smile with joy.

"Ah what? Really? Oh my God, thank you. I am so happy and my husband is going to be so happy as well. And yes, I shall be in Chicago to meet with Alice before I join in. But it's fixed right? Or could there be a 'no' in this situation?" I ask her hoping it's a final decision whether or not she meets me.

"Yes, it's a final decision. She had been looking for a great person for this job and checked out your work, the one I sent to her this evening and she really really loved it. Ergo, you're in." she responds and I smile. I think for a second how great this was.

"Thanks so much. I won't keep you, I can hear your kids." I say as I hear their crying and yelling.

"Yes, thanks. See you on Monday." she says and hangs up.

I can't wait to tell Keith about this. I head out once they were done and were getting ready to leave. I say bye to everyone and Keith decides to drop Logan to his place as his car was still near the bar. He didn't want to risk Logan driving after he had drank so much even though he seemed sober.

I felt sick and I realized this was a sign of the pregnancy. I knew from now on I'd face morning sickness now on. Keith returns home and hugs me.

"How are you baby?" he asks and I smile with excitement to tell him the news.

"So..I spoke with Theresa and-"

"And?" he asks with excitement and I smile back, continuing.

"And she said there's a vacancy in Chicago. I have to go down there on Wednesday to meet with Alice, the boss there." I say and Keith picks me up and hugs me tight. He immediately puts me down.

"Oh my God, sorry sorry, I forgot you're pregnant." he says and holds my stomach as I laugh at how cute he was always.

"Keith, I'm not yet into my second trimester, you don't have to be that careful with me." I say and he nods a no.

"I always am going to be a bit paranoid when it comes to you and our kid." he says and I smile.

"I know, I don't blame you. Well, I need to make a call to my brother and I'll come to bed in a bit okay?" I say and he nods a yes.

"Can't believe we're going to go back to Chicago soon. Baby you make me the happiest man alive."

"I love you Keith." I say and he says it back, kissing me after.

"I love you too Stace..."

It had been a few days since I last spoke with Theresa and Wednesday was here. It was 6am and I was getting ready to get to the airport for my flight to Chicago. I had some breakfast knowing that I'd not be able to grab a bite once I reach as I'd have to immediately take a cab to the office to meet Alice at 10am.

"I'm ready babe." I tell Keith who was getting his shoes on. He looked at me and smiled.

"This is an exciting day for us...are you excited? he asks me and I nod a yes. I kiss him and he kisses me back.

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