More Concerns

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While Steve sleeps and dreams dreams strangely similar to Herobrine's own, Herobrine considers his options.

(Pretty calm chap to take a break away from the angst. Also, previous chapter may have been slightly rewritten to fix what didn't feel right, apologies. Not sure which version you may have skimmed earlier.)


Steve marveled at the sight that he thought he would never see with his own two eyes and it was as beautiful as he always dreamed. Vast, blue, endless surface stretched to the very horizon where it appeared to blend together with the equally intense, sapphire sky. His heart almost sung with the freedom and inspiration.

Eager to share this wonderful feeling with someone, whom he knew that he could always rely on, Steve turned back.

"I have always loved the sea. Did you know, Herobrine?" He beamed at his twin, whom he found standing not too far behind him, sleepily blinking at the bright light. Herobrine looked barely awake as he stood on the edge of the stairs leading down into the cabin, which he avoided leaving unless he had too.

Only, was this Herobrine?

"Hmm. I don't know what is so amazing in this. Just a great bit of water filling a giant hole in the earth. And we are swimming on top of it in a tiny wooden speck of a shell."

The sarcastic voice answered with a good-natured tone. In his dream, Steve had no doubts at all that the man, whose blue eyes rested on him with a slight fond smile, was actually Herobrine, even though real life Steve wondered how he knew this. Though besides his eyes, the other man did look exactly like Herobrine, even down to his slim, strong form and accurate, small beard. Steve's twin, only older. Only this Herobrine seemed to lack the anger and mistrustful look, instead possessing light-hearted air with a hint of mischief.

Meanwhile, Steve's reflection yawned and rubbed the back of his head, making his wild, spiky, dark hair stand up in even greater disarray. Bare feet stepped soundlessly across the ship planks, bringing the man next to Steve. He leaned against the railing and looked around them with a bored expression.

"Are we there, yet?" He complained. "... To be honest, I don't know why Notch is so concerned. So what if some old beacons decided to turn on? It's probably a malfunction of some kind. Does not mean that they are coming back. I mean, after hundreds of years? Why? They abandoned this place. And honestly, I'm just fine with that..." He concluded with a firm tone.

"Aren't you curious? Even a little bit?" Steve heard his own voice and thought to himself that it sounded a bit different than his own, stronger and deeper.

"Noup." His twin carelessly shrugged with a pointedly uncaring look. Steve continued to watch him, then smiled.

"Not even a little?" He teased. His lookalike turned to give him a merry look and made a crooked grin.

"Well, maybe a little." He admitted. "Besides, how could I not come when my little brother asks?" His eyes on Steve held warm mirth and gentle fondness, before turning away to look at the distance, where many small, jungle-covered islands slowly approached.

Beyond the dream, Steve's heart skipped a beat, then jumped with excitement and some sort of joyful fulfillment. This is what he always wished for! He didn't know until this moment just what it was that he missed so much, why he felt so content to simply know that Herobrine was around and he was no longer alone.

Only... This was just a dream and Herobrine wasn't really his brother. Real Herobrine was part of great mythical history, a powerful being, while Steve was just a lowly mortal who feared to cross the distance between cities despite dreaming of adventures.

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