Chapter 20

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This chapter came a little late because of rephrasing, editing and erasing, so tiring.




"So, this means you're going back home?" Binta inquired.

"Yes, I am." Dosha answered plainly.

Binta squealed again, "I am so happy for you, finally. You know I - we thought about you staying alone in Durawa, but I guess God has His plans," The woman said, "What about the King? Has he finally told you? You know we are all departing to Durawa tomorrow morning right?"

"I know, it is up to him to say it. There is still time before tomorrow," Dosha stated dismissively taking a plate. "I am hungry. I haven't eaten anything apart from Ƙanzo in the morning." She dished herself and pounced on it.

Binta chuckled, "Yes, you should. You are getting more womanly. Your thighs are...."

"Binta!...." Dosha scolded with a laugh.

"I am saying the truth. Your body...."

"Daina (Stop it)." She was still laughing.

"It is...."

"Na ce ki daina (I said stop it)." She used a cloth to cover her friend's face.

"Okay okay. I was joking."

"Joking!?" Dosha raised an eyebrow.

Binta huffed, "I surrender." They bursted into laughter.

"I am a woman too, I should...." Binta was cut shut by a playful glare, she surrendered, still laughing.

"You know I am sensitive on these matters." Dosha said.

Binta waved the sentence, "Oh stop being sensitive. You would soon be married to the King and...."

"Zan kashe ki (I will kill you)." She abandoned her food, matching after Binta's fast legs.

"Oh stop stop, please. I am sorry. Stop it!" Binta pleaded between laughters as Dosha was bending her arm backwards.

"Repeat it."

"I am sorry I won't do it again. Ahhhh! Please." She released her hand and moved back to her food.

"Oh my God! My hand!" Binta exclaimed, wiping the stray tears from her eyes, still laughing. "You are dangerous, Dosha. Big sister?" She added soothing her arm.

"Thank you. I am actually older than you, you know." Dosha replied, chucking deeply.

"With a year."

"Still. I was in the world before you came," She stopped eating, "And how would you say something like that? Do I know if he would marry me or not?"

"Dosha, it is obvious. You know it, stop playing blind eye? Accept it."


"Don't hum. You know it." Binta snickered pushing at her shoulder, she earned a playful stink eye accompanied with laughter.

Something clicked in Dosha's head and she spared her friend a quick glance. "What is with you and Hamza these days?"

Binta gave a silly laugh, lining her lips, looking everywhere but her. "The man seems interested in me. It's like he follows me, hovers over my shadow." Binta answered.

"You don't like him following you?"

"Actually, I like it. And, I will give him a chance after Mustapha." Binta grimaced from pronouncing the name.

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