chapter fourteen

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A year had passed, everything was back to normal once again, my life was the exact same as it once was before dating Professor Dion, I had aced my last year literature exam, and barely passed the others, mainly because I didn't attend those classes in full.



Now I was on my break, like always, I was enjoying an iced coffee, looking over the notes I had made in class, just this time Professor Dion was sitting in front of me, with his coffee, reading a book. Never would've I ever guessed that I would end up with him, ever.

Just as I was about to speak, my alarm rang in my pocket, my break was over. I groaned and stood up, gathering my notes, and finishing up my coffee. I slipped on my apron and was just about to get back to work when I received a notification on my phone, my pay slip had arrived, I decided to quickly transfer 20% of it to my house deposit, I had been saving up since I got my first job. I transferred the money when I received another notification. It told me my goal for my house deposit had been, achieved. I couldn't believe it, I quickly looked at my account, I had more than $80,000, in my account.

"Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh!", I exclaimed, jumping up and down.

Farrah rushed out, "Did you win the lottery?".

"No, unfortunately, but...", I smiled, "I REACHED MY HOUSE DEPOSIT GOAL!"

Farrah squealed, "OMG, Congratulations!".

She hugged me tightly, Maya, Alex and Professor Dion had heard, and they congratulated me. I was so happy, I had finally reached my goal, and I could finally get a house of my own and I wouldn't need to pay rent to anyone anymore.

Many days had passed by since. I was going through the final bit of paperwork for my new house and cancelling the tenancy agreement for the apartment I was in. When there was a knock on my door, I went over and opened it, it was Rodrigo.

"Hey Rodrigo", I smiled, as he walked in.

"Hey, and congrats on the new house by the way, never doubted the fact that you could never get a place of your own", he chuckled, "so ready to move out?"

"I still need to finish up the last bit of paperwork, moving out is tough", I sighed.

"Tell me about it", he replied.

He helped himself to a snack while I finished off the paperwork and sent it to the landlord and the property dealer. It was a really nice day outside, it wasn't hot nor was it cold, just neutral, although, there was a slight breeze from time to time. Me and Rodrigo decided to walk around the city when I had finished.

We walked around Elizabeth Quay, and bought some coffee and lunch, when I received a couple of notifications on my phone. My home loan had been approved by the bank, I had to go to the real estate office to grab the keys for my new house and my landlord said I could move out in a couple of days. Me and Rodrigo quickly rushed over to the office, and I collected the keys to my new house. I was really happy to know that I now had my own house, but then I was attacked with the reality that I had an insanely large mortgage now. Me and Rodrigo immediately rushed to my apartment, and I decided to start packing my things while he contacted a mover.

Two weeks had passed since I got my new house, and I realised, I don't have anything, my house was pretty empty, the only extra things I had bought was some décor to fill up my house. (It was only glass vases and gardening pots for more indoor plants). While I was baking some cookies there was a knock on the door, it was Zeya and Zelen.

"Hi!", I exclaimed as I opened the door.

"Hey! Congrats on the new house, it's super cute", Zeya smiled.

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