chapter nine

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Me and Rodrigo walked out of the classroom to notice Professor Dion scrolling through his phone, looking stressed. I wasn't so happy knowing there was probably some other girl in his life, (even through we broke up, sort of).

"You were right Rodrigo, you were right", I looked at him, and started talking loud enough so that the professor could hear, "Professor Dion was way out of my league, I don't understand, why on earth would I date a such a fucking bastard!".

The professor darted me an unimpressed look, and I just smirked back at him. I took Rodrigo's hand and started walking off in the opposite direction.

"Y/N, that is not the exit, where are you going?", he asked.

"His younger sister", I replied.

"WHAT? WHY?", he yelled.

"I wanna know who that woman was!", I looked back.

He just followed along, muttering, 'you're jealous'. I just scoffed and ignored him.

We had reached the other building where there were the architecture students. I noticed Zeya walked out, with a couple of other people, talking and laughing. She looked at her phone when she noticed me. Her eyes widened and she rushed up to me.

"Hi Y/N", she smiled.

I let go of Rodrigo, "hey Zeya".

"So, what brings you to this area of the university?", she asked.

"I just wanted to ask you something, out of curiosity", I smiled back.

She sighed, "no, my brother does not play Elden Ring, he's hates video games, he prefers reading books, on high fashion".

"I already know that", I replied, "I just wanted to ask, if your brother knew a woman, very pretty, brown hair, brown eyes, full lips, round face, tanned, probably a model or actress?"

She looked confused, "maybe?".

She pulled out her phone and showed me a picture, "her?"

"No, not her".

She showed me another picture, "what about her?"

"Not her either".

She swiped to another picture, "is it her?"

I shook my head, "well then I have no idea, sorry", she sighed, "why are you looking for someone anyway".

I hesitated, but realised that she had to know, "this guy interrupted the lecture today, and he claimed that he was Professor Dion's brother and-".

"WHAT?", she yelled.

She scrolled through her phone and showed me a picture, "this guy?".

It was a picture of that same guy and I nodded, she sighed, before walking off.

"Who is he?", I asked.

She looked back, "his twin brother, his name is Zelen".

My eyes widened, no wonder, they looked the same. I rushed off, Rodrigo started cursing me. I ran off ignoring everything around me, I left the university and unlocked my bike, I quickly rode home and quickly sat down at my desk, pulling out the number he had slipped into my pocket, I looked at it, I thought long and hard about calling him. I was so invested into my thoughts that I didn't notice Rodrigo behind me.

"Boo!", he laughed.

I jumped, and almost stabbed him with a pen. My heart was racing and I somehow managed to catch my breath after realising he had the spare keys to my apartment.

"What are you so invested in?", he asked.

"I'm sorry, it's just that Zelen guy gave me his number and told me to call him", I sighed.

Rodrigo's eyes widened, and almost choked on the water he was drinking, "he what?".

I gave him the card and he immediately dialed the number on his phone.

"I just want to make sure it's real", he said pressing the call button.

The phone rung, two, three, four rings before someone picked up, Rodrigo put it on speaker.

"Leader of the X-Gang, Zelen, who are you?", he asked.

Rodrigo didn't say anything.

"Hello? Who are you?", he asked again.

Rodrigo said nothing, I guess he was just in shock.

"Whoever you are, you're going to so regret wasting my fucking time", he laughed psychotically.

"It's me, Rodrigo!", he fumbled with his words.

"Who?", he asked.

"Rodrigo, I was there today, when you entered the lecture hall, I was next to Y/N", he replied.

"Oh, you were that cute kid next to them, I noticed you", we could tell that he was smirking.

"Cute?", Rodrigo took the phone off speaker and placed it at his ear.

I didn't know what they were talking about after that. My phone rung in my pocket and I looked at it, it was from Maya, she wanted to know if I was coming to work today, I told her I would and decided to walk to work, Rodrigo had already left.

I got to work where I saw Alex, doing my job, I immediately took over.

"I'm sorry I haven't been at work lately", I apologised.

"It's ok, I didn't mind doing the extra work", he smiled.

For the next couple of hours, we worked together, Maya was in the storage room, checking on the things we had and didn't have. Farrah was going to show up later on.

I was wiping down tables when an aggressive customer walked up to me, they started yelling and making complaints about all the food, most of which wasn't true. I tried to solve this issue with a calm mind, when the person had me backed up against a wall, accusing me of taking their rights. Alex noticed and walked over.

"Excuse me, but we're going to have to ask you to leave, you are harassing a member of staff in this café", he said.

Alex was tall, with dark hair that drooped over his eyes, he had a full sleeve tattoo on his left arm and worked out a lot, so everyone said he came off as scary. 

We could tell that the customer was scared, but they just scoffed and threw water at me. Alex put his back to the person and was splashed with the water instead. It all happened in an instant, I didn't know what to do. The person stormed off and I realised that Alex had me pinned against the wall, water dripping off of his hair.

"Y/N?", I heard Professor Dion's voice.

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