chapter thirteen

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A couple of days passed by since the exams had ended and now since all the students decided to host barbeques in their backyards, throw a house parties, or have a day trips my life was basically back to normal, whispers and rumors died down completely, I guess everyone was right, it would die down after a while.

Me and Rodrigo decided to just relax, because after the most unpredictable year of my life I realised. I needed a break. Everyone else hung around the university and decided to have fun with their fellow classmates.

Me and Rodrigo decided to lounge around in the lecture hall, even though we weren't allowed to. We were enjoying ourselves in the empty lecture hall when the professor walked in and judging by the look on his face, he wasn't too happy.

"Y/N? Rodrigo?", he asked, "what are you doing in this lecture hall?"

Just as I was about to reply with a very stupid excuse the dean walked in. She was confused.

"What are you three doing in here?", she asked.

Everyone was dead silent.

"Well, I don't care, but Y/N, Professor Dion, we need to talk", she informed.

Rodrigo quickly ran out of the lecture hall yelling, 'sorry!'. 

Damn it, me and the professor started walking behind the dean while she was escorting us to her office, on the way the other people in the university saw us and started talking about us. Great, just when I thought my life was normal again. We walked into her office and took a seat; she sat down in front of us and pulled out a file from a drawer in her desk and slid it over to us.

"I suppose that you will find everything in this file, familiar", she said taking a sip of her coffee.

I took the file and opened it; there was a picture of the Instagram post, with the account of the person who posted it, and multiple pages of comments made on the post. I never exactly looked at the post myself but the comments that I read were revolting compared to what the other people said to my face.

"Disgusted?", she asked, noticing the look on my face.

I had no words, I couldn't respond to her, I was too shocked, I placed the file down on the table and Professor Dion took it and started reading. I could see his facial expression change drastically. I looked over at the dean, she was going through her computer, the professor placed the file down and look down in disbelief.

"Reading all the comments were quite shocking, weren't they?", she asked.

We nodded in response.

"As you may know, this relationship is quite disruptive, concerning, but unique", she said.

I was confused, and she smiled at me, "I am not exactly a judge here to inflict the law upon you, nor am I the government, but this does require a very logical decision".

I was scared, would she fire the professor? Call the police? Was I going to be expelled?

"I could either, call the police and get Professor Dion here arrested for having a sexual affair with a student and have Y/N expelled-", she was cut off.

"I am terribly sorry for interrupting you ma'am, but I need to correct you on something, me and Y/N did not have a sexual relationship", he stated, "but you can call the police all you want and get me arrested, I don't care but I do request that you don't expel Y/N, instead allow them to continue their studies".

The dean chuckled slightly, "how cute, you care so much for them, but rest assured, I won't be picking that option."

I looked at her confused, she really was a different person. To not call the police in these circumstances would be really stupid.

"I know you two are responsible people, who will tell me the truth, so I would like to ask you both a couple of questions, with the first one being, how did you two end up in this?", she asked.

The professor was about to speak, when I interrupted, "I confessed to the professor through a literature assessment we had to do and well soon after we started 'dating' on way or another".

The dean noted it down, "right, second question, professor, why did you say yes when you knew it was wrong?".

"Well ma'am, I genuinely had feelings for Y/N and-", the dean cut him off.

"Very well, and now the final question for both of you", she said, "do you both actually like each other or are you just lying to my face right now?"

"Miss, I don't know if the professor still feels this way towards me, but I really like him, I like him to the point that I would willingly give him the cookie with the most chocolate chips on it, even if I wanted it", I stated.

I noticed the professor giggle slightly, and the dean looked over at the professor, "do you have anything to say to that?"

"Why would I even say yes to Y/N in the first place if I didn't like them, and if I didn't like them now, then I wouldn't be in your office right now", he smiled at me.

"Now that that's settled, I want to just say that I will accept this relationship in my university with some restrictions", she informed, "first and foremost, no skin ship on campus, favoritism will not be tolerated and there should be no actions between you two that arise suspicion".

She looked over at me, "and for you Y/N I have noticed that you only attend Professor Dion's classes fully, every other lecturer and professor has informed me that you do not attend their classes fully, so from now on you must attend your classes in full, if any of these 'rules' are broken the police will be called without hesitation and Professor Dion will be arrested and Y/N you will be expelled and I don't want to hear any excuses, have I made myself clear?"

We both nodded in response, and she excused us, Professor Dion left, but I stayed.

"Umm, Miss, may I ask why you allowed this?", I asked.

"Because Y/N, we are quite similar regarding this issue, the only thing different is, I was forced to leave her and you get to stay with the professor", she smiled.

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