chapter eight

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I didn't leave my apartment for the next couple of days, and I didn't go to work or attended my classes either. I didn't even bother to look at my phone. I couldn't bring myself to do anything. And the days I didn't leave my house were probably the days that I cried the most, in my whole life.

I knew that if I went back, people would laugh at me, call a coward, ask me those questions, and make me wish I was better of dead. Whenever I went to the living room, I remembered the day that Professor Dion had showed up, it just made me cry more. I laid in bed for most of the time, overthinking everything. I tried to cope with everything by doing things I liked to do, but that all ended in disaster, while cooking I ended up cutting or burning my fingers multiple times, the food always either had too much of something, was burnt or extremely undercooked. When I tried to clean up a bit, I knocked over my lamp and the lightbulb shattered, or slipped over something and injured myself, so I just stayed in room. The universe definitely hated me.

I looked at my calendar as I marked off another day, it had been 4 days since then, and my exams were in two days. I heard a knock on the door, it was probably mail, I walked over and unlocked the door to see Rodrigo and instantly closed it, but he stopped me from doing so.

"You look like you just got back from the dead", he said.

I didn't care. He pushed open the door and walked in, my apartment was dark, and things were sprawled across the floor everywhere.

"Jesus!", he exclaimed, "what on earth have you been doing in here?"

I just scoffed.

"Y/N, you need to get out, it's been 4 days, you've missed so many shifts and classes", he tried to comfort me, "look, I get it, you guys had a pretty rough fight but that doesn't mean it's the end of the world, besides, that asshole was stupid anyways".

"Rodrigo, it's best if you just leave, I'm fine", I sighed.

"No, you're not", he revealed, "we have our end-of-year exams in two days and today is a revision lesson, all professors have advised the students to go to the revision lessons, and I don't want to be alone again. So, you need to show up today".

"Fine", I muttered. I realised that I really needed some sunlight.

I had a quick shower and wore some better clothes, so that I could look ever so slightly presentable, I just wanted to get there quickly and attend the lesson, then come back home. When we got there, people looked at me as if I was mould growing on their food. I hated it. We walked into the lecture hall, and I took my seat. I didn't feel like doing anything. Professor Dion entered and placed his books down on his desk. I groaned and put my head down.

He started to take attendance, calling out the names of people in the class. Then he got to my name, and paused for a bit.

"Y/N?", he asked.

I raised my hand, and everyone looked back, I didn't bother speaking. He continued and Rodrigo just patted my back, telling me I'm fine.

We were an hour into the lecture, I was taking notes, when there was a bang. A lot of people jumped slightly at the noise and whispered, wondering what it was, when someone kicked open the door, yelling.

"ZAINE!" they yelled, walking into the lecture hall. There were two people behind him, both in black suits. One looked like he could break the wall with a punch, while the other looked as if he sold his blood for a living, skinny, very skinny.

The person grabbed the professor by the neck, "Did you seriously think I wouldn't figure it out?", they asked, "I leave for 3 weeks! 3 WEEKS! And I come back to find out you're fucking some kid!"

This was probably the only time I wished I was sitting up at the front, but looking closer that person looked almost identical to the professor, (if you ignore the black hair, scar, and no glasses), he pushed the professor against the desk.

"What is wrong with you?", he asked again, "here I was thinking you were actually pretty decent, but I was wrong".

"Zelen, let go, please, I can't breathe", the professor struggled.

The man let go of his collar and stepped back, he lighted a cigarette and let out a puff.

"You look like shit by the way", he noted.

The class was dead silent, and I accidently let out yelp. He looked over at me, and smirked.

"Is that them?", he asked.

He walked up to me and the muscular man behind him stood in front of the stairs leading up, almost completely blocking it, I noticed the professor cough, and look up to see that this guy was probably going to kill me. The professor rushed up to the guy in front of the stairs and tried to get past.

"Zelen! Leave them alone!", he demanded.

But the guy ignored him and grabbed my face, inspecting it.

"You have nice taste", he smirked, "or maybe they're just my type".

I was so confused. He slipped a card into my shirt pocket and leaned into my ear.

"Call me, I'm better than you think", he whispered.

He turned and walked down, when he was nearly at the door he stopped and took a couple of steps backward.

"Before I leave, Y/N, that's your name, right?", he asked.

I nodded, and he pulled out a picture from his pocket, and looked at me.

"You dated my brother, right?", eh asked, "the professor of this classroom".

I nodded again and he threw the picture, I struggled to catch it, it was a picture of an insanely beautiful woman, she looked South-Asian, she had brown eyes, and beautiful dark hair, with full lips and a cute round face.

"You know who she is?", he asked.

I shook my head and he laughed, "well I'll let him tell you, if he doesn't then take a moment to think, pretty girl, pretty boy, and they're both of marrying age".

He left and the professor's eyes widened after he heard that, he rushed up to me and snatched the photo off of my desk, I shot him a look, he ignored me, and when he saw the picture, he stuffed into his pocket. He coughed and tried to grab the students' attention.

"Class is over, you may go", he said, quickly grabbing his things and rushing out of the door.

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