chapter six

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"Is that them?"

"I can't believe it"

"So that's how they became top student"

"How disgusting"

I walked down the corridors of the university, hearing insults and whispers about me and the professor, I couldn't believe that someone had seen us. It had to be Clove; I could see her avoiding looking at me while I walked past her. I noticed Rodrigo rush up to me. He stopped in front of me, panting, he didn't say anything he just took my hand and dragged me along to a classroom.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked, "why won't talk to me?"

Peoples whispers increased and they talked more and more about what happened on Saturday, showing, posts on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat and what not. They called me names and laughed at me. Soon Rodrigo pulled into the lecture hall we were going to be in today, and showed me his phone.

"This post has gone viral, so many people have seen it in just one day", he panted, "people are asking me so many questions about you guys, and I can assure you, none of them are good".

"Why would someone-", he cut me off.

"Drama, tea, they just want something to talk about", he stated, "they're just a bunch of sadists that want to see someone or something crumble".

"He's right", someone said, "but they know now..."

Professor Dion turned around in his chair, "I was waiting for you".

"Professor-", I was cut off again.

"The dean emailed me as soon as she found out, she wants to see us, but she isn't here today, she'll be here in a few of weeks, considering the fact that she is abroad, so until then, we need to lay low, is what she said", he looked down.

I didn't bother talking again, knowing that I'll probably be cut off in the middle of my sentence.

Rodrigo looked at me, "It's just a few of weeks, so please", he looked over at the professor, "don't do anything until then".

I looked over to the side, I couldn't believe that Clove had done this, I knew she hated me, but this was way to far.

"I'm pretty sure Clove has something to do with this", I stated.

"We can't be sure, look I know she hates you, but we can't be sure", Rodrigo said back, walking up and down the lecture hall.

"I know it's her, if it's something that'll ruin my life, then she'll definitely want in", I replied, "we could tell the cops!".

"Tell them what?", the professor asked, "that I a professor is dating you, a student".

We were all stumped on what to do, there were people outside wanting to know what was going on, there was us inside stressing out and knowing that the cops could show up at any given moment, and arrest someone. We did however know that we couldn't hide in a lecture hall forever. We unlocked the door, many students rushed in and started asking questions, but we managed to calm them down and get on with the lecture, somehow.

Once the lecture was over, I went home since I had no other classes that day nor did I have any shifts at work, the café was always closed on Mondays.

Once I got home, I took a seat at my desk, and just took some time to think, 'why would Clove do something like this', 'what's going to happen to us now?', 'what if no one trusts, or what if everyone doubts Professor Dion, from now on?', 'why did I confess?', 'why couldn't I just wait?', 'none of this would've happened if I just hadn't confessed right?', 'why is this happening to me?'.

The next day at university was no different from the day before, and neither was the day after that or that. A week had passed, the name-calling, laughing, questions and everything else didn't die down like everything else, it only got worse. There was a petition to remove Professor Dion from the university, people asked me disgusting questions like, 'hey, who else are you sleeping around with?', I didn't like anything they said about me. The professor on the other hand didn't talk to me, look at me, or even do anything with me, whenever I raised my hand to ask a genuine question he would ignore me, like I never existed. The only person who comforted me during these times were Rodrigo and some people I worked with from time to time.

It was a Friday when I finally gathered up the courage to stay back a bit for class and ask Professor Dion if we could talk. The rest of the class packed up their things to leave, some students said some of the most sickening comments to me before walking out, 'make sure to get tested for STD's', I decided to just ignore them. Once everyone had left and Rodrigo had given me a reassuring smile and whispered, 'if he ignores you, I'm the cops he molested you'. I giggled slightly before he went to wait outside the lecture hall.

It was quite and empty, but it didn't have the warm feeling it used to have when it was just the two of us, it instead had a cold and eerie aura. Professor Dion was packing his books just in time to leave when I called out to him.

"Professor!", he looked back at me, "could we talk, please?"

He decided to stay, "yes Y/N?"

I rushed down the stairs and stood in front of him, "I'm just going to get straight to the point, for the past week you've been ignoring me, shutting me out, and it's making me question our relationship a lot. And I don't think that it'll help later on either, so instead of making it seem like neither of us exist, could we please just sit down and talk about it?".

He sighed, "Ok, I agree with you, this relationship really lacks communication, we can't go to my place we'll get no privacy, what about yours?".

"Ok, looks like my place it is", I tried to smile, "how does 6pm sound?"

"That's ok", he ripped out a page from a journal, and wrote something down, "my number just text me the address, I'll be there tonight".

I took the page and with that he walked off. I walked outside and told Rodrigo everything that had happened. He gave me a ton of helpful advice on what to do tonight.

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