chapter ten

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"You guys look so cute together", Farrah had walked in, "I show up to work, to find Y/N being pinned against a wall by Alex in an empty café".

She made a heart with her fingers, and completely ignored the fact that Professor Dion was standing right next to her. She walked up to the cash register and finally decided to stop ignoring him, so she greeted him like any other customer.

"Hi, welcome to Milk Street Café, I'm Farrah, how are you today?", she asks.

"Hello, I would like to order my usual, triple shot macchiato with a slice of lemon and cream please", he ordered, glancing looks at me.

Farrah noted down the order and the professor took a seat, Maya walked in and was really confused, Alex had explained everything to her while I mopped the mess off of the floor, I'm pretty sure Professor Dion had overheard since he looked a little calmer, but still wasn't very impressed. Farrah helped me clean up, and it was completed pretty quickly. Alex had walked out of the changeroom with a towel over his head.

"Turns out Maya has showers in the café, so I washed out the water the guy had spilled on me, it had lemons in it", he smiled.

Since the café was basically closed, I decided to help him dry his hair, rubbing his head with the towel, I could see the professor, trying to make it look like he was reading. Little did he know his book was upside down. He decided to get up and placed the cup on the collection bench, he thanked us for the coffee and left.

"Y/N, would you like to go to the library with me this Sunday?", he asked, "I was wondering if you could help me with some things".

I agreed and we closed up the café before going our own ways.

Sunday had arrived in the blink of an eye, things were starting to get go back to normal and the talk of me and the Professor died down quite quickly, of course it wasn't completely over. I had decided to dress up a bit before going to the state library to meet up with Alex.

When I reached it, I realised that it was near the museum me and the professor had gone to, the whole reason this had happened. It made me wonder, if we were never caught, where would we be now?

"Y/N!", Alex waved at me while calling out my name.

I rushed over, and we walked inside, the library was an architectural masterpiece (in Perth at least). We placed out belongings on some desks and decided to flick through some books. I entered the ancient history section and honestly, I could spend days in here, reading all these books. Ancient History was really something worth studying. Alex came up to me while I was reading though the ancient history of Greece.

"Hi, sorry to bother you, but I really need some help with this", he showed me a book on the history of flying, "I need to study it".

I helped him study and at around 12pm, we decided to go to a café, we had lunch and since neither of us felt like studying again, we thought it would be a good idea to explore the city, we went to different shops, went up Elizabeth Quay and had some ice cream. It was fun since the sun was out after an odd weather change, where it rained in the middle of November.

At around 5pm, we took a bus and were on our way to City Beach to watch the sunset, before going back home. While we in line to get some drinks we met Farrah, it was weird seeing her in something other than a white shirt and black pants, she was wearing a short, blush pink, flowy dress with a sun hat.

"Oh my gosh you guys!", she exclaimed, "are you here to watch the sunset as well?"

We nodded in response, "oh I'm with Zeya and she brought her older brothers, you wanna hang out with us?"

"Sure", Alex smiled.

We bought our food and went to go take a seat with them; they were here to watch the sunset as well. I noticed the professor, he was wearing what he usually wear to the university, it looked like he was dragged here, Zeya was wearing a pair of denim shorts and a black and white striped top, Zelen on the other hand was wearing a thin, loose white t-shirt and black shorts.

I had to sit next to Zelen, I didn't mind but me and the professor were facing each other, which wasn't exactly the best, it was really awkward. I had a feeling that Alex had noticed that I was uncomfortable and suggested we play in the water while the sun would set, Zeya immediately jumped up and rushed to the water.

"LAST ONE IN'S A ROTTEN EGG!", she yelled.

"We're not five Zeya", Zelen sighed.

We all rushed out to the water; I tried not to get my clothes wet but that mission failed when Farrah splashed a large amount of water at me. I jumped onto Alex trying to find cover, but Zeya tripped him and both of us fell into the water creating a large splash. We found our way back to the surface and laughed with the others, I noticed the professor staying seated, I guess he didn't want to join us. My thoughts were interrupted when Zelen scooped me up from the water, he carried me bridle style and we had our eyes, locked.

"Ok love birds!", Farrah and Zeya yelled.

I averted my gaze to find the professor walking towards us.

"Put them down Zelen", he ordered.

Zelen shook his head, "why? You jealous?"

"Why would I be jealous?", he asked, definitely sounding jealous.

Zelen dropped me, and I landed in the water.

"Y/N!", the professor yelled.

I lifted my head up from the water and gasped for air.

"Oh no, looks like they got wet", Zelen said, innocently, "looks like I'll take them home, don't want them to catch a cold."

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