chapter twelve

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"This isn't the way to the university. Where are we going?", I asked, "I have classes today".

Zelen didn't respond. He offered to drop me off at the university today, but he was driving in the complete opposite direction, and he wasn't answering my questions, or even talking to me. We drove up to where the professor lived, I remembered it clearly because there was a small potted flower sitting on the mailbox, there was another car parked outside, a black Porsche 718 Cayman S.

I wasn't sure why he brought me here. He parked the car and stepped out, walked over to where I was sitting and opened the door for me.

"Come on", he said.

I stepped out and he knocked on the door, very loudly. No one answered. It was quiet for a bit before he started knocking again, when the door opened, Zelen ended up hitting the professor on the head. When he realised what he had done, he started chuckling.

"I've always wanted to do that", he laughed.

"Mature, real mature Zelen", he sighed, "what are you doing here?"

"Well...", he looked over at me, smirking, "I lied last night".

The professor looked confused, "what do you mean?", he asked.

Zelen didn't answer, and barged into the house, before I could enter the professor stopped me.

"What is he talking about?", he asked.

Before I could answer Zelen looked back, grabbed my hand, and pulled me inside, where I found Priya sitting on the couch, wearing a suit, she had glasses on, and was reading over a document. Zelen took me over to the couch and we took a seat.

"What are you doing?", Zelen asked.

"Who are they?", she asked.

"Answer my question first", he demanded.

"I have no intention of answering your question without knowing who they are", she replied and looked back down at the documents.

He looked over at me and then looked back, "Y/N".

She shot me a confused look, "Y/N?", she confirmed.

I nodded, and she took her glasses off, shaking her head. She pushed the documents towards me. I picked them up, they were legal documents to break off an engagement, and there were two signatures. My eyes widened.

"You are the reason, we're breaking off this engagement", she said.

I was lost of words, "of course since you two have quite a unique relationship, there are some boundaries", she sighed, "in case you were wondering, this was entirely his idea".

She stood up and walked over to me, and placed her hand out, I handed her the documents and she walked over to the professor and handed them to him. Then she walked back to me, I stood up and she shook my hand, her hands were very soft, and she had long fingers. Her left hand had a ring on. She then took the ring off and handed it to me.

"I have no need for this ring anymore", she smiled, "besides I don't even like diamonds".

She walked to the door, and looked back, "Oh and Zaine, Viktor asked me if you were ever thinking of getting into law again, if you are, then hit me up".

She walked out of the door and stepped into her black car and drove off. I slumped back onto the couch. I couldn't believe that just happened. I looked over at Zelen he was pulling out a cigarette and started lighting it. I stood up hoping to avoid the smell of cigarettes. I walked over to the professor. He didn't look at me.

"Professor?", I asked.

He didn't answer, so I asked again.

"He won't talk to you for at least 3 days, don't bother", Zelen puffed, "he's thinking it all over, making sure he made the right decision".

I crossed my arms over my chest and Zelen stood up, "come on, I'll take you to the university, your professor will probably just call in sick".

We walked out of the door, and he drove me to the university. I couldn't even ask the professor about what was going on, so I decided to ask Zelen, but he only gave me limited information. When I reached the university, I saw Rodrigo waiting for me.

"Hello", he said, arms crossed.

I stepped out of the car, "hey, I have lots to tell you", I said.

I thanked Zelen and we walked inside, I told him about everything, from the beach to the broken engagement. We walked into the lecture hall, 20 minutes late and with a different professor, who wasn't most impressed, and just became more disgusted when they saw me. People whispered when they saw me show up late and with there being no professor made things even worse. Rodrigo reassured me, telling me not to worry about anything.

When our classes for the day were over it was 5pm, we decided to walk to the Rustic Tavern for a round of drinks to enjoy ourselves the day before the exams.

"It feels good to just let loose and drink with no worries!", Rodrigo exclaimed, slamming down a shot glass on the table.

"It really does", I agreed.

We ordered another round of shots and continued to drink when someone familiar sat down next to us. Professor Dion and Zelen sat down on some bar stools next to us and Zelen ordered a double shot of vodka, he looked over at me and Rodrigo.

"Hey", Zelen smiled.

"Evening", Rodrigo replied.

"Professor?", I asked, "since when do you drink?"

"I don't, Zelen dragged me", he replied.

"You could use a shot or two", Zelen said handing him the vodka.

The professor refused to drink and instead he just drank some water. I tried to look ok while eating, I mean I get it, I shouldn't care what other's think about me, but for some reason I cared when Professor Dion looked at me.

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