Chapter 19

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They slept in a little on Saturday and had a long relaxed breakfast on the balcony again. Easton and also Sofia, who were staying in the alpha wing on the weekends, joined them and Noralie thought that it was nice to be surrounded by family and friends. Even though it made her miss Annie a lot.

She still needed to talk to Cillian about visiting Silverlines. However, after yesterday she doubted that he would let her go by herself as long as Cecile resided there, even with her stepmother being under constant supervision and Noralie taking guards with her. Maybe it would be best to wait until the court hearing had passed.

There wasn't anything else on the agenda for today, except a meeting regarding the warrior training Rougefork would provide for Lawfield. Cillian asked Noralie to attend, since she had been in Lawfield and because he said he wanted her input. Noralie was a little unsure what input she would be able to provide but agreed to come, even if it was just to make Cillian happy.

She was in a good mood, when they headed to the meeting room late in the morning. However, her positive spirit dampened a bit when she noticed that beside Easton, Ryder, Aspen and Christian also the whole top warrior team was attending, which included Selena. The dark haired female fixed her with an angry look once she stepped into the meeting room in front of Cillian. Noralie's steps slowed a bit and everyone else noticed the change in atmosphere as the two females seemed to size each other up. Cillian placed his hand on the small of her back and nudged her to sit down. The only free spots were opposite of Selena. The warrior didn't say anything but Noralie could feel the annoyance waving off Selena.

Ryder and Aspen were leading the meeting as they had been the ones to make the agreement with Alpha Lincoln. Cillian had just given his final okay.

"Thanks everyone for coming. As probably everyone knows, we recently made a deal with Lawfield pack to assist them in the development of their warrior training," Ryder started, once everyone had settled down.
"The main points are, for one, we are sending two fight instructors for a couple of weeks assignment to assist in the development process and also to train the Lawfield fight instructors. And the second point, and maybe even more significant, is that Lawfield doesn't have any training in place currently for females. However, Alpha Lincoln agreed to start providing training for those females, who are interested. This was mostly Noralie's doing, I don't think none of us could have been this convincing."

Noralie blushed under Ryder's praise and because people looked at her in curiosity.

Selena on the other side of the table scoffed.
"Yeah, right."

Noralie looked up at the warrior, who had crossed her arms in front of her chest looking at her in barely concealed mock.

"Selena, don't," Cillian growled quietly in warning from his seat next to Noralie.

"What, Cill?" Selena asked angrily.

"You know what. Watch your tongue."

Noralie felt that her mate was clearly annoyed.

"So, you don't want people to have an opinion anymore? Is that why she's here? Because you want someone that doesn't speak up? She seems to be very good at doing your bidding at all times."

Noralie put her hand on Cillian's balled fist. Waves of anger rolled off him. She was also appalled by the amount of disrespect Selena was showing and angered by being basically called an opinionless sheep.

"Selena, you remember what I said to you on Tuesday? You're treading dangerous waters here," Cillian said in a low, warning voice.

Noralie tried to calm her mate before things spiraled out of control. But she couldn't help her own anger from spiking. This female was clearly using the leverage she had on her mate as his ex-lover to get her way. And Noralie wasn't sure how much longer she could tolerate it.

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