Chapter 9

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To Break Barriers

We had our first fight just like that. It's very sweet to hear him call us a couple. However, what's important right now is to pass the entrance exam. I began studying for the exam, and he began to assist me. The trouble started then. He is not like I thought, he is... He is extremely strict, even stricter than my teachers.

"Genes are made of? a. Histones b. Lipoproteins c. Hydrocarbons d. Polynucleotides."

"D, polynucleotides."

"Chondroid" is equivalent to ...... a. ribosome b. mesosome c. nucleolus d. lysosome."

"B, mesosome."

We had a lengthy question-and-answer session when he got home at night. He assesses me by asking questions regarding the topic I learned that day. He takes his role as a harsh teacher very seriously. The punishments varied from impositions to essays. I think I completed one notebook in just three days.

"If you want to study this in English, you should work on your language skills, spelling and pronunciation, but I'm surprised at how well you remember names. I assumed you were a Tamil medium student," he said

"I am, I studied in Tamil medium, but one of my teachers was fluent in English, so I asked him to tutor me because I'd always wanted to pursue a medical degree in English. I met a doctor once in the medical camp conducted by our panchayat, she was very fluent in English and a great doctor. Then I decided that I will also become a doctor like her," I smiled broadly.

"Well, it's very good, I studied English because my father was an English teacher, who wished to become a doctor," he replied with his soft cheerful face.

"Unga Appava?" (your father?) I asked stunned

"Yes, father used to teach in a high school under a church in Madras, then he passed away when I was 17. Becoming a doctor was his undone desire, but he never pressured me to become one. I chose it," he revealed about himself for the first time four weeks after our marriage. I want to know everything about him.

"What makes you want to be a doctor so much?" he inquired

"You are aware that I had a sibling who deceased when I was a child. He was born with a weak heart. There was no doctor who could aid him. When he died, I witnessed my parents wail for the first time. They begged every doctor near and far to save my brother, but heart dysfunctions are something very hard to cure they said. I want to help children like my brother to live their life safely as much as they desire. That's when I determined I wanted to be a doctor who could treat heart disorders." I responded,

"What was his name?"

"Saravana Sundarmani"

"Hmm... so you want to be a cardiologist, huh?"

"Yes, is it possible for me to be one?"

"Are you confident in yourself?"

"Yes, of course, I am,"

"If you think you can do it, then you can do it"

"You sometimes talk like my Appa, doctor,"

"Really, hahaha... maybe. But I am glad you have a great dream and motive to live and fight. My wife is strong," he responded. I am blushing.

Gradually, our conversations progressed. We moved from talking about little things to talking about bigger things. For the first time, I felt more at ease, and our house felt more like home. We appeared to have each overcome a hurdle to get a bit closer to one another. There are still a number of challenges to overcome. We are like a heart that is encircled by layers of walls, standing apart from each other. In order to be with one another and to enter the other's heart, we must peel down those barriers. To get closer to him, I need to break down all of the barriers.

Time passed as I continued to learn from him. The agony was severe, and he exhibited no empathy. Tomorrow is the entrance exam, and I don't feel good. I paced agitatedly around the room. My stomach is churning like a thunderstorm.

"Sathya, don't be so nervous, you can do it," he tried to calm me and encourage me.

"How can you say that so casually, doctor? I feel like throwing up and my tummy keeps making weird noises. I feel sick," I told him biting my fingernail.

"Come here and sit," he tapped on the bed as he called me after sighing. I went and sat next to him, reluctantly.

"Not like that, sit straight and stretch your legs on the bed," he said

"Ehh?" I was perplexed "WHAT?" I asked, reddened.

"Just stretch it, Sathya," he said again rubbing his forehead. I did exactly what he requested. What is he planning to do? I was curious. What he did stun me. He began massaging my legs and feet by placing them on his lap.

"What are you doing doctor?" I asked shocked.

"Just relax Sathya. My Amma used to do this before my exams, massaging your feet helps you to relax," he gently started rubbing my legs and feet

Even though it felt tingly at first, my entire body began to unwind. This reminds me of my sister's head massage. I thought as Akka's face appeared in my mind. Suddenly, tears welled up in my eyes. Where is she? How is she?

"Hey! Sathya? What happened? Did I press hard somewhere? Do you feel pain?" he suddenly panicked.

"No, it's not that doctor, I suddenly remembered my sister, because she used to do massages for me," I answered while sniffing my runny nose.

"Don't cry, let's pray she is safe and happy," he said smiling calmly.

"But she never told us about her affair, if she had told us earlier, we would have proceeded with that affair and I..." I paused, realising that I can't say the next words. when I seized speaking, he interrupted me

"You would never have become my wife or you would still be free," he stated.

I sat paralysed as I watched him smile at me. I felt a sharp pain in my chest as if I had done or spoken something unpleasant. What he said is correct, yet not totally correct. I have to tell him.

"That is true, nonetheless, I am glad we met, doctor," I smiled to put him at ease. Hearing it, he looked amazed. I couldn't figure it out, his expression, it's new.

"Sathya, I believe in you, you will pass the exam. And once you pass it, may I ask you a question, and will you answer it?" he asked unexpectedly with a change in his facial expression too deep.

"Yes, you can," I answered. He smiled.

"Did you like the dress?"

"Very much, this is my first churidar, I have only worn skirts and tops till now. Thank you, doctor," I responded. He gave me a package when he returned from work. It was a lovely green churidar, just like in the movies. I was overjoyed, by the latest fashion. But it didn't fit well, so he suggested taking it to Aisha chechi, who handles small clothing alterations for the neighbours. She tailored it to my size, and I can't wait to put it on. But now my heart is flooded with anxiety and exam fear. I gazed at him, who was sound asleep next to me. Because of my exam fear, I generally sleep with my Akka before them. I felt lonely dozing at arm's length. Then I saw his hand, tempting, close to my pillow.

Should I take his hand? No, No, what if he wakes up and sees me holding his hand and thinks something else? I wondered. But his broad palm and long fingers enticed me. I stared at his hands for some time then slowly wrapped them with mine. I immediately closed my eyes and peeked at him; he was still asleep. "Good," I thought, closing my eyes and relaxing.

When I awoke in the morning, he had a solid grip on my hand. I separated our hands and went for a bath. Today is my exam and I know I can ace it. I told myself.

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